Thursday 31 August 2017

Glidande Medelvärde Beräknings Xls

Hur man beräknar ett rörligt medelvärde i Excel. Ett rörligt medelvärde är en statistik som används för att analysera delar av en stor dataset över en tidsperiod. Det används vanligen med aktiekurs, aktieavkastning och ekonomiska data som bruttonationalprodukt eller konsumentpris Indexer Med hjälp av Microsoft Excel kan du organisera och beräkna glidande medelvärden inom några minuter, så att du kan fokusera mer tid på den faktiska analysen än att bygga dataserien. Öppna ett nytt arbetsblad i Microsoft Excel Ange datum och deras motsvarande datapunkter i två kolumner För Exempel, för att analysera månatliga intäktstal, ange varje månad i kolumn A och motsvarande intäktssiffror bredvid den i kolumn BA år s värde av data, då skulle fylla cellerna A1 till A12 och B1 till B12. Bestäm tidsintervallet för Glidande medelvärde du vill beräkna, till exempel ett tremånaders - eller sexmånaders glidande medelvärde Gå till det sista värdet av det första intervallet och klicka på motsvarande tomma cell till höger Användning av t Han exempel från steg 1, om du vill beräkna ett tre månaders glidande medelvärde, skulle du klicka på cell C3 eftersom B3 innehåller det sista värdet av årets tre första månader. Använd funktionen AVERAGE och skriv en formel i den tomma Cell som du valde och specificerar dataintervallet för det första intervallet I det här exemplet skulle du skriva AVERAGE B1 B3. Placera musen i det nedre högra hörnet av cellen med formeln tills du ser ett vänsterklick och dra formeln ner till Tom cell bredvid den sista datapunkten i den närliggande kolumnen I det här exemplet skulle du dra formeln från cell C3 ner till cell C12 för att beräkna tremånaders glidande medelvärde för resten av året. Hur man beräknar MACD i Excel . Läs om hur man beräknar och plottar MACD i Excel och börjar göra bättre handelsbeslut. Den rörliga genomsnittliga konvergensdivergensen eller MACD-indikatorn är en kraftfull momentbaserad handelsindikator. Den här artikeln är den första i en tvådelad serie. Den här delen erbjuder en steg-för-st Ep guide för att beräkna och kartlägga MACD i Excel Den andra delen undersöker hur marknadstekniker använder MACD för att göra bättre handelsbeslut. Ett MACD-diagram består av tre element. Det första är skillnaden mellan 12-dagars och 26-dagars exponentiell glidande medelvärde för EMA av Slutkursen detta är MACD-linjen Den andra är EMA av skillnaden Detta är signallinjen Den tredje är helt enkelt MCAD minus signalen, och är känd som histogrammet. Tabellen nedan är till exempel MACD och signal Linje för Apple mellan två datum. En köpsignal genereras när en stigande MACD passerar över signallinjen, dvs när histogrammet går från negativ till positiv A-försäljningssignal genereras emellertid när en fallande MACD passerar över signallinjen, dvs när histogrammet går från positivt negativt. Andra nyanser kommer att undersökas i nästa artikel i den här serien. Utvecklad av Gerald Appel på 1970-talet, används MACD nu allmänt av handlare för att generera prognostiserade prisutvecklingar och generera b Uy och sälja signaler. I den här steg-för-steg-guiden ska vi beräkna MACD av Apple, vilket ger dig alla verktyg du behöver för att återskapa tabellen ovan. Du kan ladda ner det fullständiga kalkylbladet längst ned i den här artikeln. Steg 1 Få historiska dagliga stängda priser. För det fungerade exemplet nedan använder vi dagliga stängda priser för Apple ticker AAPL från 19 februari 2013 till 22 maj 2013 är datum i kolumn A och priser i kolumn C. Step 2 12-dagars EMA av nära priser. Det första värdet är helt enkelt ett efterföljande 12-dagars medelvärde, beräknat med Excel s AVERAGE-funktion Alla andra värden ges av denna formula. where Tidsperioden är 12, n hänvisar till idag och n-1 refererar till igår. Idag s EMA är en funktion av dagens slutkurs och igår s EMA. Screengrab nedan illustrerar vad kalkylbladet ska se ut och hur formlerna skrivs in. Steg 3 26-dagars EMA av de nära priserna. Förbättra det första värdet Är helt enkelt ett genomsnitt av de sista 26 dagens slutkurs, med alla andra va Lues ges med ovanstående formel med tidsperioden lika med 26.Step 4 Beräkna MACD. The MACD är helt enkelt 12-dagars EMA minus 26-dagars EMA. Step 5 Signalrad. Detta är en 9-dagars EMA för MACD Det första värdet är helt enkelt ett 9-dagars efterkommande medelvärde Alla andra värden ges av denna ekvation, där tidsperioden är 9. Det här är vad signalberäkningen ska se ut i Excel. Du har nu all data du behöver med Excel s Kartläggningsverktyg kan du nu rita 12- och 26-dagars EMA-, MACD - och signaldata. Du kan kryssrutta resultaten mot de som produceras av Yahoo Finance, både det här kalkylbladet och Yahoo Finance ska ge samma MACD.9-tankar om hur Att beräkna MACD i Excel. Exklusivt utseende kalkylblad Jag hänvisade också ditt andra arbete för att få realtidsprisdata. Min applikation är Forex ständigt uppdaterad. Min fråga är nu. Hur kombinerar du dessa två idéer så att när en ny prispunkt läggs till uppdateras, Det beräknar automatiskt den senaste MACD och tillhörande EMA sH Jag Samir tack för det här utmärkta kalkylbladet Jag skulle vilja nämna Johns begäran om än för aktiekurser och inte förex Ty i förväg. Jag försökte använda samma kalkylblad mot levande slutkursdata Vid jämförelse av slutvärdena för MACD och Signal Är olika när det beräknas av yahoo finance eller morgonstjärna För exempel på ett lager AAON och datum 5 20 15 när du använder ditt kalkylblad får vi en MACD -0 111 och Signal -0 144 Med webbplatser som Yahoo morgonstjärna MACD -0 08 OCH Signal - 0 11. Jag kollade resultaten mot Yahoo för Microsoft och det matchar inte det här kalkylbladet och Yahoo är annorlunda Något är inte rätt. Hej Samir tack för att du delar informationen som jag är nyfiken på när det gäller formeln för att beräkna den veckovisa MACD Jag har två frågor jag antar Vad är formeln för beräkning av veckopriser Är ovanstående formel lämplig för att beräkna den veckovisa MACD jag har inte hittat en lösning än och undrade om du kunde klargöra många tack i förväg. Lämna ett svar Avbryt svar. Lika de kostnadsfria spreadsheets. Master Knowledge Base. Recent Posts. How att beräkna vägda rörliga medelvärden i Excel med hjälp av exponentiell utjämning. Excel Data Analysis for Dummies, 2nd Edition. Exponentiell utjämning i Excel beräknar glidande medelvärde. Exponentiell utjämning väger emellertid värdena som ingår i de glidande medelberäkningarna så att de senaste värdena har större effekt på medelberäkningen och gamla värden har en mindre effekt. Denna viktning uppnås genom en utjämningskonstant. För att illustrera hur exponentiell utjämning Verktyget fungerar, anta att du åter tittar på den genomsnittliga dagliga temperaturinformationen. För att beräkna viktiga glidmedel med exponentiell utjämning, gör följande steg. För att beräkna ett exponentiellt jämnt glidande medelvärde, klicka först på datafliken s Data Analysis-kommandoknappen. När Excel visar dialogrutan Dataanalys, välj alternativet Exponentiell utjämning från listan och klicka sedan på OK. Excel visar dialogrutan Exponentiell utjämning. Identifiera data. För att identifiera de data som du vill beräkna ett exponentiellt jämnt glidande medelvärde, klicka i textrutan Inmatningsområde. Ange sedan inmatningsintervallet, antingen genom att skriva ett Adress för arbetsbladets område eller genom att välja arbetsbladintervall Om ditt ingångsområde innehåller en textetikett för att identifiera eller beskriva dina data markerar du kryssrutan Etiketter. Ange utjämningskonstanten. Ange utjämningskonstantvärdet i textrutan Dämpningsfaktor. Excel-hjälpfilen Föreslår att du använder en utjämningskonstant mellan 0 2 och 0 3 Förmodligen, om du använder det här verktyget, har du egna idéer om vad den korrekta utjämningskonstanten är. Om du inte klarar av utjämningskonstanten kanske du inte borde använd det här verktyget. Tel Excel där du vill placera exponentiellt jämn glidande genomsnittsdata. Använd textrutan Utmatningsområde för att identifiera arbetsbladets intervall i vilket du vill placera den rörliga ave rage-data I exemplet på arbetsbladet placerar du exempelvis den glidande genomsnittliga data i arbetsbladets intervall B2 B10. Valfritt diagram Exponentially smoothed data. För att kartlägga exponentiellt jämna data, markera kryssrutan Diagramutmatning. Valfritt Ange att du vill att standardfelinformation ska beräknas. För att beräkna standardfel väljer du kryssrutan Standardfel Excel placerar standardfelvärden bredvid de exponentiellt jämnaste glidande genomsnittliga värdena. Efter att du har angett vilken flyttbar genomsnittsinformation du vill ha beräknad och var du vill Den placeras, klicka på OK. Excel beräknar glidande medelinformation.

Monday 28 August 2017

Pris Action Forex Trading Mästerskap In Transformerande Utbildning

23 november 2012 Colorado Springs, Colorado USA 12 01 ET ET. Dear Active Stock ETF Trader. Det är riktigt krångel för att försöka lista ut vad som är värt att handla och hur man hanterar poster och utgångar när man använder komplicerade tekniska signaler på kartor Ditt mål är att tjäna pengar handel, rätt Inte att bli en teknisk analytiker som försöker lista ut strikastisk RSI eller andra mönster för att leva. Att hålla det enkelt är nyckeln. När jag var en Fortune 500-konsult för företag som Chevron, Sheraton och andra hade jag det unika privilegiet att vara betrodda av många mycket rika chefer. Och en sak som de hade gemensamt var en nästan oklanderlig förmåga att följa pengarna. När det gäller aktiv handel, kommer det sig att veta hur man handlar Starka penningmönster i pris-aktionsmönstret i diagrammen som du kommer att lära dig. Att öppna möjligheten att titta på ett diagram och omedelbart göra handelsbeslut uteslutande. Pris Åtgärd är en av de mest användbara färdigheterna du kan g När jag först började handla, köpte jag massor av böcker jag trodde felaktigt att ju mer jag visste om diagrammönster, desto bättre en näringsidkare blev jag. Det var fel på mig. Nu över 13 år senare Och har handlat miljoner värden av aktier och ETFs, kommer jag att inse att det inte är nödvändigt att behärska varje överväldigande signal där ute. Det är mycket mer användbart att helt enkelt kunna hitta specifika prishandlingsmönster direkt. Det handlar om att handla de mest flyktiga, starkastflyttade diagrammen. Omedelbart väljer du de starkaste handelssignalerna från allt ljudet där ute, vilket är viktigt för framgångsrik handel. Att utveckla denna välbehövliga skicklighet kan ta dig bokstavligen år att förvärva på egen hand. Jag borde vet, det var hur jag gjorde det på det hårda sättet. Du kan raka år av din inlärningskurva genom att upptäcka alla mina bästa genvägar för handelsprismönster, för att hjälpa dig att identifiera de allra bästa möjliga handelsinställningarna. Det är bra Nyheter för att du ska lära dig att hitta prissättningsmönster för dig själv, när jag tar dig med handen och låt dig titta över min axel, eftersom vi går igenom dussintals handlingshandelsuppsättningar och nya mönster för dagens marknader , tillsammans i Price Action Mastery. Och det bästa är att du kan se själv hur du snabbt kan fånga dessa mönster för Dina handlar också, det här är bra jag kallar det för spelare-nivå handel du kan faktiskt ANVÄNDA detta Se hur. Ready Att lära sig hur en riktig näringsidkare använder prisaktionsmönster för att förenkla sin handel genom att använda det han har läst från tusentals faktiska affärer PLUS hur du snabbt kan använda dessa kända handelsstrategier i dina egna affärer också. Att vara förvirrad av indikatorns överbelastning eller icke-fungerande bs Green Arrow-pilen för handel med röda pilar sparar tid och osäker Hur mycket bättre kunde du handla om du visste hur du kan hitta pris-åtgärdsmönster för dig själv. Ska de alltför komplicerade tekniska indikatorerna börja använda prisåtgärder mönster inst ead varje gång du handlar. Ingen överprissatt programvara behövs använda de tekniker du ska upptäcka med någon kartläggning programvara du önskar nu är det enklare än någonsin. FAQ Vilka marknader är denna utbildning för svar Specifikt för lager och ETF dag och swing handlare Du Du får tiotals exempel för både swing och intraday-handlare, med interaktiva aktiviteter, online realtidscoaching under webinarhändelserna och mycket mer. FAQ Du erbjuder en hel 21 timmars träning som att få ett 3-dagars live-seminar. Hur gjorde du Välj den här tidsperioden Svar Det är hela 21 timmar som behövs, för att utveckla färdigheten för att kunna handla direkt baserat på rena prissättningsmönster tar tid att behärska och jag vill se till att du verkligen får det och har gott om exempel och interaktiva aktiviteter att lära av. Detta inkluderar både kvälls - och levande marknadsutbildningar, som är utformade för att hjälpa dig att gå från var du befinner dig på, till en mycket mer professionell färdighetsnivå. O ger 21 timmars webinarer, du kommer säkert att lära dig massor av nya tekniker plus ha tid att svara på frågor under varje händelse. Det är heltäckande, professionellt och prissatt endast här en gång under det här inledande specialet eftersom jag vill ha för att ge dig alla färdigheter du behöver, i en kraftfull 21-evenemangs online-serie. FAQ Är webinaressessionerna nedladdningsbara om jag inte kan göra dem alla Svar Ja - i själva verket är de i exceptionellt högupplöst bluraykvalitet 1920x1080 upplösning, Vanligen runt 300Mb varje som du kan ladda ner Du får tillgång till ett enskilt nedladdningsområde där du kan ladda ner varje webbinspelning, publicerad inom 48 timmar efter varje händelse. Vanliga frågor Hur är din utbildning unik, hur skiljer det sig från andra lärare Svar Det viktigaste är att jag är riktig näringsidkare, som bevisar det med regelbundna PL-skärmdumpar av egentliga affärer jag har gjort som du har sett i förhandsgranskningswebbinationerna. Som en riktig näringsidkare kan jag visa dig hur jag handlar och gör det i en snabb takt, proffs fessional learning environment. Also, eftersom jag brukade vara en Fortune-500 företags utbildningskonsult till företag som Ford, Sheraton, Chevron, McDonnell Douglas, Hyatt och andra får du lära dig i ett interaktivt praktiskt inlärningsformat under webinarier, inte snoozefest envägsföreläsningar som andra gör jag sessionerna roliga, engagerande, praktiska, autentiska eftersom jag är riktig näringsidkare och får dig snabbt att snabbt använda ett interaktivt nedsänkningsscoachingformat som är unikt i handelsbranschen. Jag erkände världen - klasslärare, tränare och konsult förutom att vara en riktig näringsidkare Vad det här betyder för dig är att du kan lära dig på en djupare och mer personlig nivå och göra det i ett snabbt, interaktivt och briljant levererat format som är unikt. Det är s Bara så bra, se alla hundratals vittnesmål på mina webbplatser, inklusive videon, som visar hur bra handlare lär mig med mig. FAQ Ken, hur skiljer det sig från din andra utbildning? Svar Pris Handling Mastery fokuserar specifikt ically på att hjälpa dig att upptäcka hur man använder prisaktionsmönster för både breakout och pivot entries exits Vad är unikt är de nya mönster, uppdaterad taktik, ytterligare strategier och aktiviteter Det är utformat att lägga till på mina andra kurser och leverera nya handelsfärdigheter och Visuell handel inresa och utgång färdigheter FAQ Ken, hur planerar vi min 30-minuters personlig telefon coaching samtal Svar Vi planerar alla coaching samtal starta i slutet av januari, vid en tid som är ömsesidigt lämpligt för oss båda jag ska fråga handlare att skicka mig 3 gånger som är bra för dig och jag väljer en och vi slutar den tid då jag ringer dig då på den ordnade tiden för vårt personliga samtal. Detta är en sällsynt bonus. Jag brukade ladda 2K timme för telefoncoaching-samtal tillbaka 2001-2005 när Jag erbjöd dem. FAQ Hur handlar din nedsänkningssamarbete och du gör samtalsträning, i pris Åtgärdsutbildning Svar Traders lär dig bäst genom att vara inblandad i inlärningsprocessen, inte bara passivt tittar på ett webinar som det är så att prata Ledande kabel-tv-show Så jag utformar speciella aktiviteter inom varje session som i princip följer dig med tekniken och gör sedan in och utgående samtal om hur du går in i handeln om du önskar att det är helt valfritt att delta i, jag uppmanar Du kan utnyttja detta professionella, interaktiva tillvägagångssätt för att hjälpa dig att accelerera din inlärning och kompetensutveckling snabbare än någonsin. Med nedsänkningssamarbete betyder det att vi går igenom diagrammen tillsammans som ett team och arbetar för att få dig fokuserad på att exakt se hur att använda den dagen s Price Action Mastery taktik för dig själv, med hjälp av de diagram som vi lär dig från Det är så mycket bättre än den långsamma föreläsningssättet envägs PowerPoint-föreläsningar som andra lärare använder istället, lära dig av faktiska marknadsdiagram med Price Action Mastery Strategier förklarade noggrant, med interaktiv Live QA med mig under varje session är det ett kraftfullt sätt att lära sig hur man verkligen handlar. QA Vilken typ av näringsidkare stöd erbjuder du Svar jag svarar Är dina frågor under medlemmarna bara live-webinärer så att du kan fråga om en specifik handlingshandelsteknik och få svar i realtid Jag kan inte svara på enskilda frågor via e-post på grund av tidsbegränsningar, så snälla skicka inte e-postfrågor om handel eftersom med så många handlare har jag helt enkelt inte tid att svara på enskilda handelsfrågor via e-post. Jag ser fram emot att träffa dig på webinärerna, där vi kan gå över frågor tillsammans, kan jag stanna så länge som trettio minuter efter varje händelse för näringsidkaren Q A. FAQ Vad är den främsta fördelen med att lära dig? Pris Åtgärd Behärskning med dig Svar Som jag beskriver i videon, är den största fördelen att få handelsnivån på professionell nivå för att hjälpa dig att bli oberoende av varningstjänster, specialprogram, nyhetsbrev, chattrum och liknande kryckor. För att kunna rensa kartläggningen så att du kan se steg för steg exakt hur du anger dina poster och utgångar genom att dra upp ett diagram och snabbt veta hur man handlar Det är som en professionell näringsidkare Tänk på hur mycket tid du kan spara, genom att inte använda långsammare indikatorer, och istället kunna ersätta skickligheten snabbt, snabbt veta hur man ritar ett diagram och räknar ut hur man handlar. och hastighet att nimbly gå igenom dina diagram och direkt veta hur man handlar dem är en livslång färdighet du kommer att värdesätta så länge du handlar Som en av branschens högsta erkända proffs i momentum dag och swing trading och en riktig näringsidkare som bevisar det är jag unik kvalificerad och kunna lära dig alla de färdigheter du behöver. FAQ Jag m ett alternativ eller Forex eller E-mini-näringsidkare kan det här hjälpa mig att svara på priset. Action Action Mastery kommer att innehålla diagramexempel för swing trading och intraday trading aktier och ETFs inte Forex eller ES e-minis Men det prismönsterutbildning som du lär dig kan lätt anpassas till handel på andra marknader, eftersom det lär dig specifika hur färdigheter för att snabbt upptäcka prisinmatningsmönster som kan användas med alla ch art. For alternativ handlare, att få förståelse för hur man använder prisåtgärder är också en kritisk skicklighet, så ja det kan vara mycket användbart för alternativhandlare också. Kom bara ihåg att det inte kommer att diskuteras prissättningskurser och sätter samtal eller Forex ES Diagram, som vi kommer att lära oss med att använda ETF-swing och daghandelstabellkartor tillsammans. FAQ Jag har en annan fråga om kursutbildningen Price Action Mastery, hur kan jag ställa frågor? Svar Klicka bara på fliken Support till vänster om den här sidan eller Klicka här för att skicka en fråga. Jag vill analysera diagram för deras prisåtgärd i komprimerad tid 5 min diagram i en 1 minuters tidsram så att när jag går in på marknaden blir möjligheten att göra handeln mycket enklare och verkar längre. Kursen använder snabb analys och beslut om rörliga diagram eller kommer det bara att använda statiska kartor Jag förstår att statiska diagram är nödvändiga för att göra en undervisningspunkt De rörliga diagrammen kan sedan ge oss ett praktiskt erkännande av mönster med tiden pressu Re - Bob W. October 27, 2012 1 03 PM. Great Presentation Video För många indikatorer att följa är det svårt och komplext att bestämma vilken indikator som ska användas. En gångsindikator ser ut att vara hausse, men i ett ögonblick ändras den till baisse, så vad Att tro Komplicerat och komplicerat samma som den andra video upptagen gatan Jag har en del förståelse av prisåtgärder och jag gillar det eftersom det här kommer att ge ett tillfälle att göra ett dynamiskt beslut Därför ser jag fram emot att lära mig mer om prishandelsmetod för att vara en expert på handel för att nå mitt ekonomiska mål. Hur kommer din träning att hjälpa mig att uppnå mitt mål? Srinath P. October 27, 2012 1 44PM. By att lära sig att kunna handla bra med bara prisåtgärder kan minimera kostnader för kartläggning av programvara och missade Eller förlora affärer på grund av motstridiga indikatorer Fungerar detta också bra med aktier och ETFs. Does det fungera bra under alla tidsramar, som 1, 5 15 minuter för dagshandel varje timme för swing position trading Används du flera gånger ramar för att handla eller fokuserar du bara på en tidsram vid handel Bra information Tack - Terry O. October 27, 2012 11 26 AM. Learing price action gör att jag kan förenkla min handel för att fokusera primärt på prisrörelser och använda minimala indikatorer för att bekräfta inresa eller utträde - Roland LI lärde mig från mina Gann-studier för trettio år sedan att priset är kung Trots att alla Gann s komplicerade, nästan förbryllande, signalerar det verkligen allt kokat ner till prisåtgärder. Sedan jag återvänt till handel har jag blivit överväldigad av nya Tekniska indikatorer som berättar mycket om marknaden, men är en distraktion från huvudspelet - prisåtgärd Jag ser fram emot att lära av Ken - Joe M. October 27, 2012 6 38 AM. Den enkelhet och rena förvirrande oscillatorer som bara är formler på prisåtgärden ändå - Gary C. October 25, 2012 3 45 PM. I letar efter verktyg för att öka min handelsförmåga Detta kan vara ett av mina bästa - Howard E. Du har varit så övernaturlig i din undervisning Ken jag har känt t Hat Pris Åtgärd avslöjar kursens riktningskraft när som helst och får mig till ett stort drag i rätt tid, jag smakar att dela med dig i din alltid unika inblick i att göra det. Du är ett underverk i handelsbranschen Tack - Nausting N. 23 oktober 2012 7 41. I hjärtat av ett diagram är prisåtgärden Men jag har alltid hittat priset ensamt för att inte ge mig tydligheten. Jag behöver fatta beslut. Är det möjligt att använda priset ensamt eller är deras indikatorer som hjälper i beslutsfattandet är jag säker på att vara killen på den tropiska stranden men det gör livet för enkelt. Ser fram emot att ha några svar och se hur du närmar dig det, Ken - Noel L. Reply från Ken Hi Noel, det finns såklart många Indikatorer för att titta på, men nyckeln är att spendera mer tid på MARKET-indikatorer, jämfört med individuella kartmönsterindikatorer. Till exempel ser jag alltid premarket på NASDAQs premarket futures, tidigare dag relativ sektorstyrka och premarket gap och indikatorer på marknaden som T RIN, ES-riktlinjerna för e-mini, sektorprocentandelar, volymer och andra indikatorer Så ja det är mycket mer än det bara priset, men de flesta andra faktorer är marknads - och sektorspecifika, inte inom diagrammet. Specifika kortsiktiga ljusmönster till längder av mikrotrender, djup av koppar, ATR och andra mönster kommer till spel Stor fråga, glad att du tog upp den Se min 3 funktion Pris Action artiklar för more. October 23, 2012 12 24 PM. I Jag har studerat Ken s discipliner för en tid nu Enkelheten i det här väldefinierade tillvägagångssättet är ett sätt att fatta bra handelsbeslut Goda beslut tar bort den emotionella konflikten som kommer från obeslutsamhet och åtgärdsnedsättningar till den snabba Vilken nivå har priset kommer ifrån var är Priset nu och var kan priset förmodligen flytta till från var det är - Wes T. Reply från Ken Hey Wes, tack alltid bra att höra dina tankar om dessa strategier och rätt prisåtgärd är den renaste, starkaste och mest användbara sig Nal tillgänglig, så det är därför jag använder det som den främsta anledningen till att jag går in och ut ur mina affärer, oavsett om det är intradag med hjälp av tejpavläsning eller svänghandel med specifika prissättningsmönsterområden, förlängningar, ATR, ljusmönster etc, allt kommer tillbaka till pris, med volym som sekundärindikator och allt annat som derivat inte lika viktigt. October 22, 2012 8 43 PM. I tror att lära sig om pris åtgärder skulle vara bra för min handel Pris handling är den bästa indikatorn --- så Om jag kunde lära mig det där objektet tror jag att min handel kommer att förbättras. Tack igen för att hjälpa näringsidkarna. Inlärningsprisåtgärder kommer att hjälpa till med bättre poster och utträden på mina affärer. Ju mer du lär dig desto bättre blir din handel - Jean J. Reply från Ken Hej Jean, bra poäng Jag har funnit det som förenklar mycket av min handelsprocess att gå WIDER, vilket innebär att fler instrument, lättare storlek handlas och sedan skalas till vinnare, allt baserat på prisåtgärder, är ett mycket bättre tillvägagångssätt än att analysera och gå djupt O tvåhundratalschema på storleksstorlek En lektion lärde mig många år sen, men jag kommer att erkänna men bättre sent än aldrig Se dig där. 17 oktober 2012 11 56AM. As med alla dina andra tillgängliga lektioner låter detta mest intressant och värdefullt för min handel Jag m alltid letar efter att förbättra min handel och lär mig lite teknik jag är inte känd för att göra mina affärer mer framgångsrika. Jag söker alltid efter de saknade färdigheterna som jag kanske inte vet om men vill lära mig att ständigt förbättra min handel Oddsen, ser fram emot dessa webbsidor, tack, Ken - JaniceLynn J. October 16, 2012 12 54PM. Prishandel är kungen Att lära sig taktiken och mönstren blir bra Jag ser fram emot det - Filip D. October 16, 2012 11 27 AM. What kan vara viktigare för handlare än att läsa prisåtgärder på diagrammet för att urskilja trenden - Stephen CI har aldrig kunnat fullfölja mig själv av indikatorer, men jag vet att jag mår bra eftersom jag ofta sett högkvalitativa pris-aktionsguruer tillbaka på en kryckindikator nu och då vill jag se hur Ken presenterar hans Prisåtgärd och om det finns en chans kan det täcka fördelarna med ljusvarianterna Tick and Range som jag tycker är väldigt hjälpsamt när trend och svängningar är begravda i Time-baserade ljusstakar - Roberto T. Av Ken Good Point är det bara Roberto som är intressant att höra Personligen använder jag inte några indikatorer för prisbaserad handel alls Jag kommer att använda en dagsljusdiagram med 1 minut eller 5 15 60 minuter med volymen och det är det Professionella prishandelshandeln ser mycket mer ut på saker som Pris e lastighet, längder av mikrotrender, koppdjup, procentuella prisförändringar och andra strategier. Se dig där tack. När du handlas med så många förvirrande tekniska indikatorer tror jag att du lär mig och mastrar rent. Price Action kommer ge mig en kant på marknaden. Att ha deltagit i flera av dina webbminarer och fortsätt att komma tillbaka för mer Att vara en ny näringsidkare, har jag gynnat så mycket av dina läror Tack Ken - Alwin S. Reply från Ken Hi Alwin, tack för den snälla kommentaren, glad att höra min undervisning s varit värdefull Du får en bra poäng, det vill säga att få en tydlig förståelse för hur du använder prisåtgärder på rätt sätt kan potentiellt ge dig en hälsosam fördel jämfört med andra handlare, särskilt de som använder indikatorer, eftersom de härledas som per definition. prisåtgärd är det bästa sättet att handla, i mina tankar, åtminstone Välkommen till evenemanget, se dig där. 12 oktober 2012 13:00. Känner, Vill du förstå sannolikheten för olika typer av koppmönster Använda prisåtgärder SRPT idag är ett bra exempel med ett 1 min diagram Det finns flera koppmönster som bildas, det har en ATR av. 2 och om du väntade på de stora kopparna på morgonen till uppställning gjorde du dock inte om de mindre kopparna spelades gjorde du bra Vill du bättre förstå hur du bättre kan upptäcka och spela de små kopparna med stor sannolikhet Tack för att du ger Steve K. Reply från Ken Bra poäng, Steve Trading pris handling innebär flera strategier koppar är ett bra ställe att börja Det viktigaste är att lära sig denna nya uppsättning prismönster med hjälp av en mängd olika signaler vi ll Lära sig om inte bara stora mindre koppar, ljus och breakout trender, men ytterligare nya prisåtgärder spelar som kan vara användbara för att lära mig om att jag får se dig i träningen. 11 oktober 2012 1 37 PM. Welcome to Ken Calhoun s TradeMastery Daytrading University Network av handelsutbildningsställen - populär bland aktiva aktörer som ingår i stora finansiella medier i över 15 år Riskupplysning Risken för förlusthandel, värdepapper, terminer, valutor och optioner kan vara betydande och är inte för varje investerare Personer måste överväga alla relevanta riskfaktorer inklusive egen personliga ekonomiska situation innan handel En investerare kan eventuellt förlora mer eller mer än den inledande investeringen Riskkapitalet är pengar som kan gå förlorade utan att äventyra den finansiella säkerheten eller livsstilen Endast riskkapital ska användas för handel och bara de som har tillräckligt med riskkapital bör överväga att förhandla Tidigare resultat är inte nödvändigtvis en indikation på framtida resultat Offentliggörande Jag, Ken Calhoun är ensam ägare, grundare enbart anställd av denna verksamhet Ingen annan än Ken Calhoun har behörighet att hantera eller hantera någonting Relaterade till denna affär inklusive, men inte begränsat till, relationer av något slag med kunder, kollegor och tredjepartsföretag. Undvik alla phishing-försök, online-postning eller kommunikation från någon annan än Ken Calhoun som hävdar att de är associerade med den här webbplatsen. Friskrivning All information som tillhandahålls här publiceras för utbildningsändamål Endast och bör inte tolkas som investeringsrådgivning Ingen lönsamhet eller prestationsanspråk av något slag görs Handel är en riskrisk, spekulativ verksamhet Vi är inte en investeringsrådgivare, finansiell planerare eller registrerad mäklare Vi är utgivare av utbildningsinnehåll Konsultera med en registrerad investeringsrådgivare innan du fattar handels - eller investeringsbeslut Genom att komma åt denna webbplats och dess produkttjänster accepterar du alla villkor i vår ansvarsfriskrivning, vid inget erbjudande att köpa eller sälja något instrument som görs på denna webbplats. Härigenom ger du webbplatsen en royalty-fri, evig, världsomspännande licens för att visa, modifiera, anpassa, skapa avledande verk från och på annat sätt använda några förslag, idéer, kommentarer och information som du tillhandahåller till den här sidan. Inget av vårt innehåll på någon webbplats eller kurser eller andra publikationer är ett löfte eller en garanti för specifika resultat eller framtida intäkter, vi erbjuder inte någon finansiell investering eller handelsrådgivning av något slag som vi publicerar pedagogisk c ontent Vi avser inte att berätta eller föreslå vilka värdepapper eller valutor kunder ska köpa eller sälja för sig själva. Våra anställda och eller dotterbolag kan inneha positioner i de aktier, valutor eller industrier som diskuteras här. Du förstår och erkänner att det föreligger en mycket hög grad av risk Som är involverad i handel Daytrading University är vårt varumärkesvarumärke för vår kommersiella privata vinstdrivande informationsutgivningsplats för handelsrelaterade artiklar, seminarier, videofilter vi inte är officiellt ackrediterade, licensierade eller utbildade utbildningsinstitut, ingen högskolepoäng eller grader erbjuds, och inget undervisningsbidrag eller ekonomiskt stöd är tillgängligt, vi är en privat informationsutgivningsplats. Det ska inte antas att metoderna, teknikerna eller indikatorerna som presenteras i dessa produkter kommer att vara lönsamma eller att de inte kommer att leda till förluster. Testimonials kanske inte är representativa av erfarenheterna hos andra kunder, och testimonials är ingen garanti för framtida perfor Mance eller framgång Deras erfarenheter kan inte vara typiska för vad du kan förvänta dig att uppnå, eftersom resultaten kan variera. Testimonials som visas på webbplatsen är från utvalda kunder. Fordringar som finns i testimonials har inte verifierats. Ingen representation görs att något konto kommer eller är troligt För att uppnå vinst av något slag Generellt förväntade kundresultat är att alla handlare förlorar pengar och inte blir lönsamma, oavsett vilken utbildning de får - handel är en riskriskspekulativ verksamhet och det finns stor risk för att ekonomisk förlust innebär en betydande Grad av risk och kanske inte är lämplig för alla investerare Tidigare resultat är inte nödvändigtvis en indikation på framtida resultat Commodity Futures Trading Commission CFTC Regel 4 41 HYPOTETISKA RESULTATRESULTATER HAR MÅNGA NUVÄRDA BEGRÄNSNINGAR, NÅGON SOM BESKRIVAS NÄR NÅGON NÅGON REPRESENTATION LÄMNAS SOM NÅGOT RÄKNING VIL ELLER ÄR LIKELIGT ATT UPPVINNA RESULTAT ELLER TABELL LIKNANDE DESS VISA FAKTISKT, DET FINNS FREQUENT LY SHARP DIFFERENSER MELLAN DE HYPOTETISKA RESULTATRESULTATEN OCH DE AKTUELLA RESULTAT SOM FÖLJDES AV NÅGOT SÄRSKILT HANDELSPROGRAM ETT AV BEGRÄNSNINGARNA AV HYPOTETISKA RESULTATRESULTAT ÄR ATT DE GENERELT FÖRBEREDAS MED FÖRDELNINGEN AV HÖGTSÄTTNING TILLÄGG, HYPOTETISK HANDEL INTE INVOLVERAR FINANSIELL RISK OCH NEJ HYPOTETISK HANDELSREKORD KAN HELT KONKURRERA FÖR KONSEKVENSEN FÖR FINANSIELL RISK I FAKTISK HANDEL, TILL EXEMPEL, ATT FÖRSÄLJNINGEN FÖR ATT FÖRSTÄLLA TILLDELNINGAR ELLER HÄNVÄRDER TILL ETT SÄRSKILT HANDELSPROGRAM I SÄRSKILDA HANDELSOMRÅDEN ÄR MATERIALPUNKTER, SOM KAN OVERSÄTTLIGT VERKLIGA AKTUELLT HANDELSRESULTAT DER FINNES MELLAN ANDRA FAKTORER SOM RELATERAS TILL MARKNADEN ALLMÄNT ELLER FÖR GENOMFÖRANDET AV NÅGON SÄRSKILT HANDELSPROGRAM, SOM KAN INTE KONTROLLERAS FULLT FÖR ATT FÖRBEREDA HYPOTETISKA RESULTATRESULTAT, OCH ALLA SOM KAN BEGRÄNSA AKTUELLT HANDELSRESULTAT Den information, tjänster, produkter, påståenden och material På våra webbplatser finns som en d utan garantier av något slag, varken uttryckta eller underförstådda. Vi avstår från alla garantier, uttryckta eller underförstådda, relaterade till strategier och innehåll som tillhandahålls på denna webbplats, liksom de som presenteras i våra produkter och tjänster. Varje besökare på den här webbplatsen och abonnenten eller Potentiell abonnent eller kund bekräftar och accepterar begränsningarna av de tillhandahållna tjänsterna och accepterar, som ett villkor som föregår hans tillträde till våra webbplatser, att frigöra och hålla harmlöst Daytrading University, Trade Mastery, dess tjänstemän, styrelseledamöter, ägare, anställda och agenter från något ansvar av något slag inklusive, men inte begränsat till, hans eller hennes visning och / eller genomförande av innehållet, e-postmeddelanden, webbseminarier, videoklipp, prenumeration på tjänster och eller inköp av någon traderträningsprodukt eller - service här. Vi uppmuntrar alla näringsidkare att Lär dig att handla i en simulerad handelsmiljö med endast ett demokonto, där ingen risk kan uppstå och inte riskera levande kapital. Notera testimonial S kan inte vara representativ för erfarenheter från andra kunder. Det finns inga garantier för framtida prestationer eller framgång. Ingen kompensation betalas någonsin för eventuella vittnesmål. Grundare av det populära Daytrading University-nätverket av webbplatser har Ken varit betrodd av handlare världen över sedan 1999. En vanlig MoneyShow Traders Expo-högtalare och författare av artiklar i Active Trader och Technical Analysis of Stocks Råvaror, hans utbildning når tiotusentals handelsmän En verklig näringsidkare använder Ken en mängd precisionstaktik för att handla sina konton och att lära ut handlare hur man handlar Traders värderar sin träning eftersom den är professionell, fokuserad och visar stegvisa specifika strategier. 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Therefore, implementation of appropriate learning strategies is related to student s self-regulation behavior which in turn should be encouraged by pedagogical designs. Typical strategic questions a learner might ask, are. How to wr ite a project thesis How do I have to do a literature review. How to structure my course and lecture notes How can I cope with note taking. How to organize my time and keep track of various assignments. How can I tackle a difficult exercise, e g a math problem.2 Types of learning strategies. Globally, one could distinguish among the following kinds. Disciplinary heuristics e g Look at this and that kind of advice. General problem-solving heuristics.2 1 Cognitive vs behavioral vs self-regulating. Warr Allan 1998 distinguish between three categories according to the kind of resources used in the regulation of behavior. Cognitive learning strategies skills in rehearsing a material to be learned or in organizing it into main theme. behavioral learning strategies preferences for seeking help from others, for trial and error or for written instruction. self-regulating strategies controlling emotions, motivation and comprehension 1.See the metacognition article for details. Blakey and Spence 1990 descri be techniques that facilitate metacognition, or thinking about thinking Citing the educational value of student-owned learning, the authors suggest that thinking about one s own behavior is the first step towards directing that behavior and learning how to learn The strategies they discuss as a means to developing metacognition include identifying what you know and what you don t know talking about thinking keeping a journal planning and self-regulation debriefing the thinking process and self-evaluation.3 Learning styles vs learning strategies. Issues regarding learning style are somewhat related, i e students that willing and able to think in more abstract terms and or to critically examine what they do may show better performance. A learning style refers to the relationship between individuals and their ways of learning 2 whereas learning strategies refer to attitudes and behavior that is oriented towards goals As an example, one could compare oppose. Contact us to schedule a work shop for your facility. Click here to email or call 479 366 1074.From compliance to care outcomes, we believe tha t knowledgeable staff who practice person-centered approaches is t he key to success for every system Let us share our knowledge and experience with you. These services are ideal for the following mandated programs.- Quality Assurance Performance Improvement QAPI.- Medicare Compliance and Ethics Programpliance QA PI Workshop s. The Medicare Zone TM Part A Medicare for SNFs. 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At the end of every meeting ask, What are we going to do Who is going to do what and When are we going to do it The most effective system improvements come from those closest to the issue, such as nurse assistants, dietary staff, and housekeepers Think about the synergy that would be created if every staff member were involved in a QA subcommittee in some form or fashion. Being proactive is always preferable to being reactive, so utilize the full breadth of the quality-improvement tools and pr ocesses. The Centers for Medicare Medicaid Services QAPI website resources. Forex Market Trend following trading systems and strategies. HOW TO GET THESE FREE BONUS FOREX RESOURCES. The following Forex bundles are available as Forex systems or tools you can choose from, when purchasing specific products from the Forex Market place section of our website. 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RATIO basically it is relation between potential gains and losses, it should be at least close to 3 1 rate Forex trading course covers that aspect of trading Practically it means, that if you open a position with 10 pip stop loss, you are looking to gain 30 pips at your account It also means, that if for three executed trades only one is profitable you are still on top. IMPARTIALITY looking at the market from third party perspective Practically forex trading is based on signals, no assumptions following It means that we do not follow the market like flag on the wind, you keep doi ng what you are suppoused to do based on signal analysis Practically when you are looking for days to enter the market with long positions you are really focused on longs , it is necessary to switch your view quickly when short signals in this term will arive During my daily analysis I m trying to stay impartial and keep the focus on both possible sides of the forex market For more - you can take a look at my forex tutorial. TREND trend following Whenever you are trading on 1 minute or 4 hour chart, there is short or long term trend involved If we are trading instruments that have to move in order to profit from them, trend is critical Examples of that - please check my forex school Sometimes it is not so simple as it looks it s worth to mention that the same instrument can have different trend on every different time chart. INVESTMENT PLAN complex trading business plan covering.- size of stop loss accepted.- what time chart to use. Nick Leesons trading strategy. Stephen J Browna, Onno W S teenbeekb. a Stern School of Business, New York University, New York, NY 10012-1126, USA. b Department of Finance, Erasmus University, Rotterdam, The Netherlands. Forthcoming Pacific-Basin Finance Journal. This paper examines the trading strategy attributed to Mr Nicholas Leeson, who was the chief derivatives. trader of Barings bank in Singapore His activities were the main cause of the eventual collapse of Barings. bank Daily information is available for the full period Leeson was active in Singapore, from January 1992.until 1995, for all relevant products The information includes daily volume, open interest, opening. closing, highest and lowest price The empirical evidence suggests that Leeson followed a doubling. strategy he continuously doubled his position as prices were falling. We would like to thank the Osaka Securities Exchange, Mr Naoto Watari in particular, and the. Singapore Exchange for providing data and comments Also, we would like to thank the Institute for. Monetary and Economic Studies of the Bank of Japan An earlier version of this paper was presented at. the 2nd Central Bank Conference on Risk Measurement and Systemic Risk, November 1998, Tokyo and at. the 12th PACAP FMA AIBF Banking Finance Conference, July 2000, in Melbourne, Australia Finally. we would like to thank an anonymous referee. E-mail address steenbeekfew eur nl. This paper examines the trading strategy attributed to Mr Nicholas Leeson, who was the. chief derivatives trader of Barings bank in Singapore His activities were the main cause of. the eventual collapse of Barings bank The evidence suggests that Leeson followed a. doubling strategy he continuously doubled his position as prices were falling. Leesons trading activities mainly involved three futures markets Futures on the Japanese. Nikkei 225 stock index, futures on 10-year Japanese Government bonds JGB futures and. Euroyen futures These products are all traded simultaneously and in similar design on. SIMEX and on a Japanese exchange Leesons main as signment was to arbitrage between. SIMEX and the exchanges in Japan and try to capitalize on small price differences. between the futures contracts In reality, however, he was taking massive speculative. positions, financing SIMEX margin requirements by selling options and borrowing huge. amounts of money from Barings head office in London By the end of February 1995, the. losses had become too large and Barings bank went bankrupt. Our interest in Mr Leeson comes from the fact that doubling strategies are potentially. dangerous from a systemic point of view An important attribute of doubling strategies is. that the inevitable and devastating loss is preceded by a period of high returns with low. volatility Conditional on the bad event not having happened yet , the doubler s. investment performance appears to indicate significant investment skill The doubler may. then become too big to fail, both from the perspective of the investment firm and from the. market regulators1, so that the inevitable fa ilure can have catastrophic effects, both for the. firm and for the market Among other things, this has important consequences for the.1 As of December 1994 Barings Futures Singapore was responsible for 7 86 of the volume of trading. on SIMEX making them the second largest trader on that exchange, while at the end of February, just. prior to the failure of Barings, they took number one position, with a 8 78 share of the total volume of. trades Lim and Tan 1995 , Appendix 2A. effectiveness of Value at Risk-controls Being able to track and take out these traders. sooner, would limit possible systemic risks. Our empirical study follows two paths First, we examine the raw daily data provided by. the exchanges to see whether a doubler may have been active during the period when. Leeson was active Second, we look at the actual data on Leeson s activities during the. final weeks of his career, in order to find out whether Leeson indeed followed a doubling. strategy Based on the analysis of the raw data, we conclude that someone, probably. Leeson, did indeed follow a doubling strategy in these markets This impression is. confirmed when we study his trading immediately prior to the failure of Barings Leeson.2 The Barings collapse. On July 1, 1992, Barings Futures Singapore BFS started trading on the Singapore. International Monetary Exchange SIMEX Mr Nicholas Leeson was put in charge of. operations for BFS, with responsibilities both for trading and the accounting and. settlements activities It was believed to be unnecessary to segregate these functions. because Leeson and his staff would merely execute orders placed by other Baring Grouppanies on behalf of their external clients SR 3 1, 5 15 2 Later in 1992 this situation.2 Reference to the report prepared by Lim and Tan 1995 for the Ministry for Finance in Singapore will. be by paragraph number SR stands for Singapore Report, while the numbers stand for the paragraph that. gradually changed, because many Japanese institutional investors had s et up their own. execution capability in Singapore As a result, the external client business of Baring. Securities Japan BSJ became less viable Hogan, 1999 To compensate for the loss in. this line of business, BSJ commenced proprietary trading on behalf of the Barings group. One of the primary trading strategies they implemented was arbitraging baskets of stocks. in the Japanese cash market against Nikkei futures SR2 10 Initially, these transactions. were executed between the Tokyo Stock Exchange TSE and the Osaka Securities. Exchange OSE , which was the main market for Nikkei futures However, after the OSE. had implemented tighter restrictions, trading on SIMEX became easier and cheaper As a. result, BSJ traders asked Leeson to execute Nikkei futures trades on SIMEX SR2 11.The trading volume handled by Leeson gradually increased over time and by early 1993.Leeson was involved in executing proprietary trades as well as trades for the external. clients of the Barings Group SR2 13.As a result of t hese developments, a new business opportunity arose, in which. Leeson would play a major role, i e arbitrage trading of the Nikkei futures contract. between SIMEX and the OSE Apparently, large price differences existed between the. two contracts that were very similar in design The profits from exploiting such price. differences between exchanges are small and therefore trading volumes tend to be large. Still, the risks are low, because every long position on one exchange is offset by a short. position on the other In addition to arbitrage trading, Leeson developed an even more. lucrative activity, namely switching As Barings was able to trade in Japan as well as in. impressive figures from a business that should be virtually riskless In particular in the. Nikkei futures market, headquarters believed it occupied a niche, because Barings were. members of both the OSE and SIMEX and had developed the business, clientele and. reputation to deal in and between those markets BoE, 3 58-3 60 Chairman Pet er. Baring concluded that it is not actually terribly difficult to make money in the securities. business Leeson, 1996, p 56 Specifically commenting on Barings main profit center. Leeson s direct boss in London, Michael Killian, said in February 1995 That guy is a. turbo arbitrageur BoE, 3 63.2 2 Unauthorized trading. On July 3, 1992, only two days after Barings was granted membership by SIMEX, Leeson. opened Account 88888 and that same day, the first transaction was booked in this account. SR3 13 On BFS s system, this account was described as an error account It is common. for traders to set up such an account for the purpose of netting minor trading mistakes. The net position should be closed each day and the net value of gains and losses incurred. in negating the position should be recorded as part of the unit s daily profit Leeson, 1996.p 38-39 However, already during the first month of its existence, a large number of. transactions were booked in Account 88888, which shows according to the Singapore. report SR3 13 that it could never have been intended to serve solely as an error account. As a matter of fact, Leeson gave specific instructions around July 8, 1992, to change the. million which made the situation much more complex Leeson s main problem became the. management of the flow of funds to support the margin calls from SIMEX. An important way to arrange the funding was by manipulating the trading and. accounting records This was done in a number of ways First, most trans actions booked. in Account 88888 were initially booked in the accounts of BSJ and BSL If these positions. had been correctly reported to BSJ or BSL, it would have been clear that risk limits had. been exceeded since such transactions were not hedged However, Leeson would execute. offsetting trades about thirty seconds before market close to place transactions from BSL. or BSJ accounts into Account 88888 With these so-called transfer trades , Leeson. avoided disclosure of unhedged positions in the reports to BSJ and BSL SR3 21 The. prices of these transfer trades were later adjusted to favor BSL or BSJ, at the expense of. Account 88888, in order to confirm his reputation as an exceptional trader This would. often require complicated alterations between different sets of records SR3 24 A second. way to manipulate the records was to record fictitious trades between the accounts of. BSL and BSJ and Account 88888 in the BFS daily list of transactions, when no transfer. Your choice of pricing terms. Best pricing for the most active traders. Select the pricing structure that best suits your interest and needs. ECN style FX pricing. EURUSD as low as 0 2 pips with your choice of commission Or. All-inclusive FX spreads. No additional volume based commission. Same depth of liquidity and execution quality that you deserve. Fully transparent with Historic FX spreads for all currency pairs. Live indicative prices. We strive to ensure the accuracy of the information Please always refer to the prices rates available on our trading platform. Worldwide market access from a single account. Stochastic strategy for day trading stocks and FOREX. SPY, 5 Minute - August 24 Arrows show entries and exits using the stochastic method. A stochastic shows a stock s or any trading instrument ability to trade in the upper or lower part of its price range relative to the analysis period Stocks that are in the upper part of the range above 70 and the lower part of the range below 30 are exhibiting signs of strength and weakness respectively, in relation to recent performance This strength or weakness can be exploited by short term traders. While a stochastic reading at these levels above 70 or below 30 is often considered overbought or oversold, strong stocks will spend more time in the upper half of their range and weak stocks will spend more time in the lower half of their range This means that we can take advantage of strong or weak stocks at points when they are showing above average strength or weakness This movement will be called a stochastic follow through. The Strategy In an up trending stock, buy when the fast stochastic line crosses above the 70 level with the slow line pointing up Sell a down trending stock when the fast stochastic line crosses below 30 with the slow line pointing down Cover longs when fast line crosses below slow line, and cover shorts when fast line crosses above slow line Price can also be used - when it shows signs of slowing momentum it is best to exit. The strategy takes advantage of strong or weak stocks that are showing signs of accelerating even more in the current upward downward direction The problem with traditional strategies using stochastics is that they often enter a trader short, for example, too early and the stock continues to rise To avoid this, we go long with the strength in the stochastic and stock price, and then we can see onc e the price slows or the stochastic turns over if we want to reverse our position Thus, we catch the strong tail end of a rally or decline and place ourselves in a good position to reverse and go the opposite way when the time is right. The downside of the strategy is that on slow or ranging days, the signals will not likely be profitable as there is no follow through in price movements The strategy works best in trending environments where there is continued pressure in one direction When the overall market is in a trend, this strategy has a higher probability of success In ranging environments the stochastic can be used in more traditional ways - indicating overbought or oversold conditions. Remember, indicators are derivatives of price and as such price action should always confirm what an indicator is telling us before we take the trade. Cory Mitchell, CMT. If you enjoyed reading this article, please click on the subscribe button near the top of the page to receive an email when new ar ticles are published by this Examiner. For trading lessons and US market analysis please see vantagepointtrading. This article is not a recommendation Consult your own financial professional before making investment or trading decisions Trading involves substantial risk of loss and the author and or the distributor of this article will not be held liable for any inaccuracies or losses which may occur as a result of this information.4 digit brokers. Join Date Jan 2011 Posts 156.Choose 4 digits in the Decimal Pricing option under the Trading Tools section. Originally Posted by FXTraderCro. Choose 4 digits in the Decimal Pricing option under the Trading Tools section. I just want to use 4 digit brokers for analyzing the market I have a problem with metatrader with 5 digit brokers It stop working when I want to analyse the chart and draw some lines for about 4-8 seconds every time I don t know what s wrong with that But I do know it s working fine with 4 digits brokers. Sunday, May 17, 2009.Forex Trading Hours - Get the Best Results by Choosing Them Correctly. For people who would like to start a home based enterprise and trade currency, the forex market is an excellent opportunity Sitting in a chair in front of your computer, you can earn substantial profits if you perfect the basics of Forex trading Timing is the key to success in forex trading Good timing is the major factor in earning your profits. The market is open to everyone around the clock 5 days a week But it is not always wise to try to trade every second, of every day There will be certain times at when the currency you want to trade will be trading heavily Trading here gets started at 5 PM on Sunday Eastern Standard Time It closes at 4 PM on Friday. United States and United Kingdom do most of the major trading volume in the overall market So, you should be active during their busiest trading hours. During the times when the European markets are open, New York will still do two thirds of its business. By having a look at Forex record charts, you can get a clear idea of when to be active and when to be cool. But Forex trading is very volatile one and can vary at any time So it will be better to contact a broker and ask him to take care of your account at the times of your absence. Each days trade activities of Forex market are charted as trade volume Market volume generally stays high during the whole day The hours at which the trade volume gets high is the timings at which the Asian market, United states market and European market are kept open at the same time. Invest with Forex-e-Learn. We are delighted to announce that we are now offering a managed account service to our clients We are providing this service through FXTM s PAMM percentage allocation money management account. Here is a brief overview of how the process works. Initially, you will need to open an account with FXTM using our tracked link Once your account has been opened and verified, you will need to fund it As soon as your account has been funded, you will need to complete a suitability questionnaire before investing into our managed account. The funds will then be accredited to our PAMM and trading will commence There is no upfront charge or on going cost for this service Our fee is 20 of the NET profits made within any calendar month If the fund makes no return within the calendar month there is no fee. You have full control over your investment and can choose to withdraw at any time You will receive monthly statements and monthly reports from us with reference to our views and forecasts moving forward. Our trading style is extremely conservative and our number one rule is risk management As such, there are no instances where trades exceed 1 of capital risk exposure in any single trade. We would strongly advise you to view our YouTube videos and our RECENT TRADES page so that you can get a feel for our trading style and attitude towards risk You can visit our YouTube channel by clicking this link below Live Trade Videos and Analysis. For more information, please email tradeforex-e-learn or call 44 0 203 004 8 806 In addition, please find answers to some frequently asked questions below. WHAT IS THE MINIMUM INVESTMENT The minimum is 100.WHAT ARE YOUR PROJECTED RETURNS We like to forecast conservatively and base our projections per quarter We aim to achieve 4 NET PROFIT per quarter for our clients accumulating a 16 NET PROFIT annualized return on investment. HOW LONG DO I HAVE TO KEEP MY MONEY IN THE ACCOUNT There is no time limit whatsoever You have full access and full flexibility to withdraw your funds whenever you wish. HOW DO I SEE THE PERFORMANCE OF MY FUNDS FXTM provides a great system whereby you can track the daily value of your funds within their platform You are able to see daily gains or losses, monthly gains or losses and percentage values. HOW DO I KNOW WHAT TRADES YOU ARE TAKING We record our live trades on a daily basis and upload them to our social feeds There shouldnt be an instance where we can t record the trade live, but if for any reason this does occur, there will always be a screenshot posted in our Recent Trades section of our website In addition, you will receive monthly statements that show you the individual positions. ARE MY FUNDS PROTECTED THROUGH ANY REGULATION Yes FXTM as a brokerage are authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority FCA Number 600475 and CySEC under the licence number 185 12.ARE THERE ANY GUARANTEES FOR MY INVESTMENT No However, our risk control is extremely precise and carefully managed so that no more than 1 of risk is exposed in any single trade idea. HOW FREQUENTLY DO YOU TRADE If there are viable opportunities, we will trade everyday If we are trading 4x per day, we will adjust the risk parameters so that a maximum of 1 is risked as a whole For example, 0 25 risk per trade. HOW CAN I WITHDRAW MY MONEY Simply fill out the withdrawal request on FXTM s investor portal and your funds will be returned within five working days. WHEN DO YOU TAKE YOUR PERFORMANCE FEE We can take our performance fee at the end of each cale ndar month. DO YOU STILL TAKE YOUR FEE IF THE FUND HAS NOT MADE A RETURN No We only get paid if the fund makes a positive return so it is in our interest to perform well. HOW DO I INVEST Simply email tradeforex-e-learn or telephone 44 0 203 004 8806 and we will provide you with step by step instructions. Stock Trading Terms. Below you will find definitions of some of the stock trading terms frequently asked about and used throughout this website I will be making additions to this list as time goes by. Bear Market A period of declining market prices generally accepted as starting 20 or more from the peak, or top of the market There is widespread pessimism during a bear market Blue Chip Stocks Typically large cap stocks that have a track record of good performance and are profitable Read more here about Blue Chip Stocks Bull Market A period of increasing market prices generally accepted as starting 20 or more from the low, or bottom of the market There is widespread optimism during a bull mar ket Cost Basis The cost of purchasing a financial asset including commissions, dividends, stock split adjustments, future sales or purchases on the same position and any Option Trading Strategies used in conjunction with the same position Deflation The term used for a contraction in the volume of available money and credit that results in a decline in previously inflated prices ETF Exchange Traded Fund An investment fund that represents a basket of stocks, that trade intraday like a stock Prices can mis-represent the actual stocks prices at times and therefore are adjusted on a periodic basis to correct this ETN Exchange Traded Note A structured investment product that is based on Debt Notes These Notes trade intraday like a stock Inflation The term used for an expansion in the volume of money and credit available that results in an increase in prices at faster than normal levels Limit Order An order that once triggered, gets filled only at the price you specify or better Market Order An order that gets sent into the market and gets filled at the next available price NAV Net Asset Value The value per share of a mutual fund or closed-end fund calculated by taking the total assets minus liabilities of the fund, divided by the number of outstanding shares Read more here about what is NAV OTCBB Stock Trading OTCBB Over-the-Counter Bulletin Board Trading involving much more risk, caution, potential volatility and practice Check out more info we ve written here on OTCBB Stock Trading Quantitative Analysis The process of applying numerical values and mathematical formulas to a companys financial statistics such as revenues, debt, income, market share Reverse Stock Split Also know as a Reverse Split, this is an action taken by a corporation that reduces the number of stock shares outstanding and increases the value of each individual new share produced after the exchange Read more here Short Selling The process of selling a stock before you own the stock, and then buying it back at a later time date Stop Limit An order that can be placed at a certain price or percentage point to help minimize losses of a position you already have open Once triggered, this order becomes a limit order Stop Loss An order that can be placed at a certain price or percentage point to help minimize losses of a position you already have open Once triggered, this order becomes a market order Trailing Stop Loss Order You set an initial dollar or percentage amount at your maximum acceptable loss that follows trails the stock price as it moves up and down Once triggered, this order becomes a Market Order Trailing Stop Limit Order You set an initial dollar or percentage amount at your maximum acceptable loss that follows trails the stock price as it moves up and down Once triggers, this order becomes a Limit Order Trend line A Trend Line is a line drawn on a chart that connects two or more points and extends into the future The trend line drawn can be used to help identify past and f uture support and resistance levels. Looking for a specific stock trading term and cannot find it here Take a look at InvestorWords for a compilation of over 6000 investing related definitions. Founder and President. Mr Shahar is the founder of Online Trading Academy His vision and passion have been the driving force behind the company s development and rapid expansion Mr Shahar s love for people and innovative approach to business has helped Online Trading Academy transform lives worldwide through exceptional customer education and service. 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Classes taught at OptionsANIMAL are delivered in 3 main formats On Demand, Live Webinars, and Live Class Archives Each online class comes with a pdf version of the presentation, so you can study before you go to class, or even print it out to take notes on during the presentation A history of all the classes you take, as well as your level by level test results are available so you can monitor your progress as you move through the curriculum. We have a large selection of On Demand, pre-recorded p resentations you can stop, pause, rewind, and watch as many times as you like Whatever your life situation is, or wherever you are from, you can watch the On Demand classes with the ease of a mouse click. We teach between 30-40 live classes per week, scheduled throughout the day to make taking a live class convenient for you no matter where you live, and what your schedule may be Live classes are taught by one of our coaches and are limited in size to ensure a quality learning environment. We realize you wont be able to attend every live class that youd like to, so for that reason we record and archive all of the classes we teach We have thousands of classes available as live class archives sorted by class and also by instructor. What are Learning Strategies. Learning strategies seem to be tricks learners how to. help them remember things better or to do tasks more. efficiently Several researchers have studied what learning. strategies are and why they are effective in the learning. Oxford 199 0 takes us to a definition which breaks the. term learning strategies down to its roots--the word. strategy She informs us that this word comes from the. Greek word strategia which means generalship or the art. of war Strategy meant the management of the troops. ships, or aircraft in a war situation She points out a similar. word tactics which are tools to achieve the success of. strategies These two words, used interchangeably mean. planning, competition, conscious manipulation, and movement. toward a goal In a problem solving situation, it would. imply using a plan, step or conscious action toward. Weinstein and Mayer in Witrock 1986 have coined one definition. of learning strategies as behaviors and thoughts that a. learner engages in during learning and that are intended. to influence the learner s encoding process They go on to. state various learning strategies that could be used with learners. Nisbet and Shucksmith 1986 define learning strategies simply. as the processes that underlie performanc e on thinking tasks. They go on to explain that strategies are more than simple. sequences or agglomerations of skills they go beyond the strings. or routines advocated in some study manuals They are almost. always purposeful and goal-oriented, but they are perhaps not. always carried out at a conscious or deliberate level They can. be lengthy or so rapid in execution that it is impossible to. recapture, recall, or even be aware that one has used a strategy. They move toward a metacognitive approach to strategy use and. learning They believe that since not all learning strategies are. equal in terms of usability and ease of acquistion, there exists a. hierarchy of strategies which are related to metacognition or. knowledge of one s own mental processes. Masters, Mori, and Mori 1993 move toward a definition of. cognitive strategies rather than the term learning strategies. They refer to a defintion of cognitive strategies coined by Alley. and Deshler 1979, in Masters, Mori, and Mori as techniques. princ iples, or rules that will faciltiate the acquisition.1 knowledge gained from books rather than from direct personal experience.2 formal education. n Psychol a learning process in which an organism learns to react differently to different stimulipare generalization 3.n a teaching system consisting of video, audio, and written material designed for a person to use in studying a subject at home. n Psychol a method of training in which the reinforcement is made contingent on the occurrence of the responsepare classical conditioning. n a graphical representation of progress in learning. I m still only half way up the learning curve. n a branch of artificial intelligence in which a computer generates rules underlying or based on raw data that has been fed into it. n the classical and Biblical studies of Renaissance Europe in the 15th and 16th centuries. 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LAST UPDATED 05 14 14petency-based learning refers to systems of instruction, assessment grading, and academic reporting that are based on students demonstrating that they have learned the knowledge and skills they are expected to learn as they progress through their education In public schools, competency-based systems use state learning standards to determine academic expectations and define competency or proficiency in a given course, subject area, or grade level although other sets of standards may also be used, including standards developed by districts and schools or by subject-area organizations The general goal of competency-based learning is to ensure that students are acquiring the knowledge and skills that are deemed to be essential to success in school, higher education, careers, and adult life If students fail to meet expected learning standards, they typically receive additional instruction, practice time, and academic support to help them achieve competency or meet the expected standards. Defining competency-based learning is complicated by the fact that educators not only use a wide variety of terms for the general approach, but the terms may or may not be used synonymously from place to place A few of the more common synonyms include proficiency-based mastery-based outcome-based performance-based and standards-based education, instruction, and learning, among others. In practice, competency-based learning can take a wide variety of forms from state to state or school to school there is no single model or universally used approach While schools often create their own competency-based systems, they may also use systems, models, or strategies created by state education agencies or outside educational organizations Competency-based learning is more widely used at the elementary level, although more middle schools and high schools are adopting the approach As with any educational strategy, some competency-based systems may be better designed or more effective than others. Recently, the terms competency-based learning or competency-based education and related synonyms have become more widely used by 1 online schools or companies selling online learning programs, and 2 colleges and universities, particularly those offering online degree programs It should be noted that competency-based learning, as it is typically designed and implemented in K 12 public schools, can differ significantly from the forms of competency-based learning being offered and promoted by online schools and postsecondary-degree programs At the collegiate level, for example, competency-based learning may entail prospective adult students receivi ng academic credit for knowledge and skills they acquired in their former careers an approach that can reduce tuition costs and accelerate their progress toward earning a degree It should also be noted that many online schools and educational programs, at the both the K 12 and higher-education levels, have also become the object of criticism and debate Many for-profit virtual schools and online degree programs, for example, have been accused of offering low-quality educational experiences to students, exploiting students or public programs, and using the popularity of concepts such as competency-based education to promote programs of dubious educational value When investigating or reporting on competency-based education, it is important to determine precisely how the terms are being used in a specific contextpetency-based learning is generally seen as an alternative to more traditional educational approaches in which students may or may not acquire proficiency in a given course or acad emic subject before they earn course credit get promoted to the next grade level, or graduate For example, high school students typically earn academic credit by passing a course, but a passing grade may be an A or it may be a D, suggesting that the awarded credit is based on a spectrum of learning expectations with some students learning more and others learning less rather than on the same consistent standards being applied to all students equally And since grades may be calculated differently from school to school or teacher to teacher, and they may be based on divergent learning expectations i e some courses might be harder and others easier , it may be possible for students to pass their courses, earn the required number of credits, and receive a diploma without acquiring important knowledge and skills In extreme cases, for example, students may be awarded a high school diploma but still be unable to read, write, or do math at a basic level A competency-based diploma would be a di ploma awarded to students only after they have met expected learning standards. While the goal of competency-based learning is to ensure that more students learn what they are expected to learn, the approach can also provide educators with more detailed or fine-grained information about student learning progress, which can help them more precisely identify academic strengths and weakness, as well as the specific concepts and skills students have not yet mastered Since academic progress is often tracked and reported by learning standard in competency-based courses and schools, educators and parents often know more precisely what specific knowledge and skills students have acquired or may be struggling with For example, instead of receiving a letter grade on an assignment or test, each of which may address a variety of standards, students are graded on specific learning standards, each of which describes the knowledge and skills students are expected to acquire. When schools transition to a competency-based system, it can entail significant changes in how a school operates and how it teaches students, affecting everything from the school s educational philosophy and culture to its methods of instruction, testing, grading, reporting, promotion, and graduation For example, report cards may be entirely redesigned, and schools may use different grading scales and systems, such as replacing letter grades with brief descriptive statements e g phrases such as does not meet partially meets meets the standard and exceeds the standard are commonly used in competency-based schools although systems vary widely in design, purpose, and terminology Schools may also use different methods of instruction and assessment to determine whether students have achieved competency, including strategies such as demonstrations of learning learning pathways personal learning plans portfolios rubrics and capstone projects to name just a few. While there is a widespread agreement that students should be held to high academic expectations and that public schools and teachers should make sure that students acquire the most important knowledge and skills they will need to succeed in adult life, there is often disagreement and debate about the best way to achieve these goals For this reason, debates about competency-based learning tend to be focused on the methods used by schools, rather than the overall objective of the strategy i e all students meeting high standards and achieving proficiency a goal that few dispute. Proponents of competency-based learning may argue that the approach greatly improves the chances that students will learn the most critically important knowledge, concepts, and skills they will need throughout their lives, and that competency-based learning can help to eliminate persistent learning gaps achievement gaps and opportunity gaps For these reasons, advocates of competency-based learning argue that the practice is a more equitable approach to public education, s ince it holds all students to the same high standards regardless of their race, ethnicity, gender, or socioeconomic status, or whether they attend schools in poor or affluent communities uneven standards being applied to minority and non-minority students, or the uneven quality of teaching and facilities from school to school, are believed to be major contributing causes of issues such as achievement gaps Proponents may also point to the weaknesses or failures of existing systems which allow students to get promoted from one grade to the next and earn a diploma without acquiring important knowledge and skills as evidence that competency-based approaches, of whatever sort, are needed For a related discussion, see social promotion. Critics of competency-based learning may argue that the transition will require already overburdened teachers to spend large amounts of time and possibly uncompensated time on extra planning, preparation, and training, and that competency-based learning can be prohibitively difficult to implement, particularly at a statewide level Critics may also take issue with the learning standards that competency-based systems utilize, or with the specific features of a system used in a particular school For example, parents often express concern that the abandonment of traditional letter grades, report cards, transcripts, and other familiar academic-reporting strategies will disadvantage students who are applying to colleges and universities because the reporting strategies will be unfamiliar to college-admissions professionals, or because competency-based systems may eliminate many of the competitive dimensions of academic achievement, such as GPAs or class rank, that tend to favor high-achieving students Others may question whether there is sufficient evidence that competency-based learning will actually work as intended. In education, learning objectives are brief statements that describe what students will be expected to learn by the end of school y ear, course, unit, lesson, project, or class period In many cases, learning objectives are the interim academic goals that teachers establish for students who are working toward meeting more comprehensive learning standards. Defining learning objective is complicated by the fact that educators use a wide variety of terms for learning objectives, and the terms may or may not be used synonymously from place to place For example, the terms student learning objective benchmark grade-level indicator learning target performance indicator and learning standard to name just a few of the more common terms may refer to specific types of learning objectives in specific educational contexts Educators also create a wide variety of homegrown terms for learning objectives far too many to catalog here For these reasons, this entry describes only a few general types and characteristics. While educators use learning objectives in different ways to achieve a variety of instructional goals, the concept is c losely related to learning progressions or the purposeful sequencing of academic expectations across multiple developmental stages, ages, or grade levels Learning objectives are a way for teachers to structure, sequence, and plan out learning goals for a specific instructional period, typically for the purpose of moving students toward the achievement of larger, longer-term educational goals such as meeting course learning expectations, performing well on a standardized test or graduating from high school prepared for college For these reasons, learning objectives are a central strategy in proficiency-based learning which refers to systems of instruction, assessment grading, and academic reporting that are based on students demonstrating understanding of the knowledge and skills they are expected to learn before they progress to the next lesson, get promoted to the next grade level, or receive a diploma learning objectives that move students progressively toward the achievement of acad emic standards may be called performance indicators or performance benchmarks among other terms. Learning objectives are also increasingly being used in the job-performance evaluations of teachers, and the term student learning objectives is commonly associated with this practice in many states For a more detailed discussion, including relevant reforms and debates on the topic, see value-added measures and student-growth measures. Learning objectives are also a way to establish and articulate academic expectations for students so they know precisely what is expected of them When learning objectives are clearly communicated to students, the reasoning goes, students will be more likely to achieve the presented goals Conversely, when learning objectives are absent or unclear, students may not know what s expected of them, which may then lead to confusion, frustration, or other factors that could impede the learning process. While the terminology, structure, and use of learning objectives can differ significantly from state to state or school to school, the following are a few of the major forms that learning objectives take. School-year or grade-level objectives In this case, learning objectives may be synonymous with learning standards which are concise, written descriptions of what students are expected to know and be able to do at a specific stage of their education Grade-level learning objectives describe what students should achieve academically by the end of a particular grade level or grade span terms such as grade-level indicators or grade-level benchmarks may be used in reference to these learning objectives or standards. Course or program objectives Teachers may also determine learning objectives for courses or other academic programs, such as summer-school sessions or vacation-break programs In this case, the objectives may be the same academic goals described in learning standards in the case of a full-year course, for example , or they may describe interim goal s for courses that are shorter in duration. Unit or project objectives Teachers may determine learning objectives for instructional units, which typically comprise a series of lessons focused on a specific topic or common theme, such as an historical period, for example In the case of project-based learning an instructional approach that utilizes multifaceted projects as a central organizing strategy for educating students teachers may determine learning objectives for the end of long-term project rather than a unit. Lesson or class-period objectives Teachers may also articulate learning objectives for specific lessons that compose a unit, project, or course, or they may determine learning objectives for each day they instruct students in this case, the term learning target is often used For example, teachers may write a set of daily learning objectives on the blackboard, or post them to an online course-management system, so that students know what the learning expectations are for a pa rticular class period In this case, learning objectives move students progressively toward meeting more comprehensive learning goals for a unit or course. In practice, teachers will commonly express learning objectives in different ways to achieve different instructional goals, or to encourage students to think about the learning process is a specific way While the minutia and nuances of pedagogical strategy are beyond the scope of this resource, the following are a few common ways that learning objectives may be framed or expressed by teachers. Descriptive statements Learning objectives may be expressed as brief statements describing what students should know or be able to do by the end of a defined instructional period For example Explain how the Constitution establishes the separation of powers among the three branches of the United States government legislative, executive, and judicial and articulate the primary powers held by each branch State learning standards, which may comprise a variety of learning objectives, are commonly expressed as descriptive statements. I can statements Teachers may choose to express learning objectives as I can statements as a way to frame the objectives from a student standpoint The basic idea is that I can statements encourage students to identify with the learning goals, visualize themselves achieving the goals, or experience a greater sense of personal accomplishment when the learning objectives are achieved For example I can explain how the Constitution establishes the separation of powers among the three branches of the United States government legislative, executive, and judicial and I can articulate the primary powers held by each branch. Students will be able to statements Students will be able to statements are another commonly used format for learning objectives, and the abbreviation SWBAT may be used in place of the full phrase For example SWBAT explain how the Constitution establishes the separation of powers among the three branches of the United States government legislative, executive, and judicial and articulate the primary powers held by each branch. Solitary intrapersonal You prefer to work alone and use self-study. Apparently, the goal is to be Multimodal in one s learning style Multimodal is a balance of all the different learning styles Learning - styles - online continues to say, Research shows us that each learning style uses different parts of the brain By involving more of the brain during learning, we remember more of what we learn. I have always thought I learned better when I took a hands-on approach This type of learning is called Physical kinesthetic After taking a short questionnaire, I also found t hat I prefer to learn with visual aids, such as pictures and graphs This type of learning style is referred to as Visual spatial I enjoy working with computers The physical aspects of manipulating the keyboard and the visual depictions on the screen fit right into my preferred learning style The opposite learning styles, involving listening and verbal skills, are more difficult for me I would much rather learn how something works by using it than by listening to someone tell me how it works In my previous job, I enjoyed the physical activity of using a video camera and creating films Physical, hands-on learning has always come easily to me. As a visual and hands-on learner, my lectured Dreamweaver class continues to be a struggle for me Conversely, Mr Campbell, my instructor for my Dreamweaver Certification Course, teaches verbally auditory I am guessing Mr Campbell is an Aural Verbal learner He reads from the textbook almost ninety-percent of the time Any examples that he gives are ver bal rather then visual More specifically, he stands in front of the classroom and reads from a textbook This type of teaching is my Kryptonite The words just pass right through me He can actually lecture about a software interface for the entire period I am amazed that he never even shares how it appears on the computer screen He simply reads out the menus to use and the process in which to use them all verbally While for me this is not an effective class for learning, I am impressed that he can teach this very complicated software in this method He must have a great memory. To help my learning process in this class I need to recreate the lectured material using my own visual tools, and adapt Mr Campbell s preferred teaching methods to my preferred learning style As a visual physical learner, it is challenging for me when verbal or aural teaching techniques are used I usually retain only bits and pieces of what I read or hear Now, if I while reading, I physically walk through the writte n process or refer to sequential diagrams, my retention is much better Thus, I will print screen shots of the software interface to use during lectures I have noticed the same is true when I am given very descriptive verbal instructions I always have to look away from the speaker, think, process all the words, and come up with what they represent visually To help me process information, I will adjust my schedule so immediately after Mr Campbell s class I can get some lab time to physically go over what he taught while the information is still fresh in my head This type of process helps me to understand what the teacher has said. By learning that there are different learning styles and the style I predominately follow, I now know how to apply some simple techniques that will aid in my learning in Mr Campbell s class I might never be able to change my style of learning and, even less likely, change the style in which people teach However, just by knowing that different learning teaching s tyles exist, I can become a better learner There are many resources available to help adapt to dissimilar teaching and learning styles Moreover, the goal is to continue to learn Surprisingly, learning about how we learn is the first start. Strategies in Language Learning empowering you in your language learning. Do you want to stop struggling and being frustrated in your language learning Do you want to gain an improved understanding of what it takes to get better at learning a second language so you can move forward faster and more effectively Do you want to see how this can be done The language learning strategies you employ are fundamental to your success. Discover how you can build your skills as well as your confidence, as your results start to improve At Strategies in Language Learning you can find not only what has been slowing you down or stopping you but you can also find what you need to do to get back on target. Many language learners settle for a lot less than they can achieve for different reasons Sometimes it is because they have settled on the wrong understandings, methods or tools, sometimes it is because they lack belief in their own capacities caused by going about learning in an ineffective way and sometimes because there is a lack of clarity in what they really want from their lives. 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Jakarta 28 31 Juli 2015 IDR 9 750 000.Bandung 25 28 Agustus 2015 IDR 9 750 000.Bogor 01 04 September 2015 IDR 9 750 000.Yogyakarta 06 09 Oktober 2015 IDR 9 750 000.Selama ini manajemen perusahaan mengukur keberhasilan perusahaannya dengan ukuran ukuran finansial Return on investment ROI atau Return on capital employed ROCE merupakan ukuran yang paling sering digunakan Akan tetapi, cukupkah keberhasilan sebuah perusahaan hanya diukur dengan kriteria keuangan Mengapa kita tidak pernah mengukur apa yang menyebabkan keberhasilan atau kegagalan keuangan tersebut Para ahli menamakan penyebab keberhasilan itu sebagai performance drivers. Balanced Scorecard menterjemahkan visi dan misi organisasi kedalam ukuran ukuran keberhasilan perusahaan secara komprehensif Balanced Scorecard menggunakan objektif keuangan sebagai ukuran keberhasilan dengan tidak melupakan performance drivers keberhasilan keuangan tersebut Scorecard mengukur performansi organisasi dengan empat perspektif yaitu keuangan, pelanggan, proses bisnis internal serta learning and growth. Seminar ini dirancang untuk memberikan pemahaman mendalam dan komprehensif tentang konsep Balanced Scorecard yang telah terbukti keberhasilannya di banyak perusahaan serta teknik implementasinya Seminar akan dilengkapi dengan studi kasus Kasus akan dibahas dalam kelompok peserta dan di kelas secara keseluruhan.1 Pengertian Balanced Scorecard. Apa yang dimaksud dengan Balanced Scorecard. Balanced Scorecard sebagai sebuah sistem manajemen. Mengapa perusahaan memerlukan Balanced Scorecard.2 Mengukur Strategi bisnis dari perspektif keuangan. Keterkaitan objektif keuangan dengan strategi unit bisnis. Pertumbuhan dan bauran pendapatan. Reduksi biaya dan peningkatan produktivitas. Utilisasi a ktiva dan strategi investasi.3 Mengukur strategi bisnis dari perspektif pelanggan customer perspective. Customer core measurement group. Mengukur customer value preposition. Diskusi dan studi kasus.4 Perspektif proses bisnis internal. Internal-business process value chain.5 Learning and growth perspective. Core employee measurement group. Motivasi dan pemberdayaan Sumber Daya Manusia. Kapabilitas sistem informasi.6 Menghubungkan Balanced Scorecard dengan strategi perusahaan. Cause-and effect relationship. Linkage to financials. Integrasi strategi perusahaan. Target, alokasi sumberdaya, inisiatif dan anggaran.8 Developing Corporate Strategy Map. Langkah penyusunan strategy map. Studi kasus dan pembahasan beberapa contoh strategy map I.9 Implementasi Balanced Scorecard. Membangun sistem manajemen terpadu. Masalah yang biasanya dihadapi dalam implementasi.10 Studi kasus implementasi Balanced Scorecard. Dalam studi kasus ini akan dibahas beberapa contoh implementasi Balanced scorecards dan penentuan KPI K ey Performance Indicators. Ir Asep Saefulbachri, MBA, MM. Seorang sarjana Teknik Industri ITB yang memperdalam pengetahuannya melalui program Master in Business Administration dan memperluas wawasan melalui beberapa training di luar negeri Pengalaman dalam bidang manajemen material, Manajemen pergudangan dan transportasi dan sistem informasi manajemen diperolehnya selama 15 tahun bekerja di Direktorat Logistik Kantor Pusat PT Telkom Ia juga merupakan pengajar Program Pasca Sarjana Manajemen Logistik Universitas Pasundan Bandung serta Jurusan Teknik Industri di beberapa Universitas terkemuka di Bandung, STT Telkom, dan pengajar manajemen produksi di Program Magister Manajemen Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen Bandung STMB Telkom yang berpengalaman dalam memberikan In-Company Training dan Seminar di beberapa lembaga manajemen di Bandung, Jakarta, Surabaya, dan Kuala Lumpur terutama untuk bidang manajemen logistik dan supply chain Ia juga aktif sebagai logistics trainer di banyak perusahaan seperti Pertamina, Petrochina, PT Badak, PT Inco Soroako, Telkom, Telkomsel dll. Certificate of Appreciation. All attendees will receive a certificate of appreciation attesting to their participant in the training This certificate will be providing in exchange for a completed training questionnaire. Quality training material kits will be on registration, additional papers, handouts assignment by Our Partner. Note-taking by participants is encourage However, to ensure free and open discussions, no formal records will be kept. Casual clothing is recommended The training atmosphere is informal. Quality training material hardcopy and softcopy. Quality training kits included calculator, T-shirt or jacket, cap, ect. Interactive presentation with discussion. Convenient training facilities with five star quality. Morning and afternoon coffee tea breaks for along the training. Certificate of Completion. Half day city tour at the end of training session following by dinner with entertainment optional. xclusive flash disk. TIME VENUE 2015.Bogor, 27 30 Januari 2015.Yogyakarta, 24 27 February 2015.Jakarta, 24 27 Maret 2015.Bandung, 7 10 April 2015.Bogor, 26 29 Mei 2015.Yogyakarta, 2 5 June 2015.Jakarta, 28 31 Juli 2015.Bandung, 25 28 Agustus 2015.Bogor, 1 4 September 2015.Yogyakarta, 6 9 Oktober 2015.Jakarta, 24 27 November 2015.Bandung, 1 4 Desember 2015.70 20 10 an effective learning strategy. In recent years the 70 20 10 approach to workplace learning has become increasingly popular But is it about more than just blending on and off the job trainingmon descriptions say that it is 70 on the job, 20 coaching and 10 from courses, but is that really the case And is it a universal tool. History of the model. The 70 2010 model is usually credited with developing or popularizing this approach were Morgan McCall and his colleagues working at the Center for Creative Leadership CCL Two of McCalls colleagues, Michael M Lombardo and Robert W Eichinger, published data from one CCL study in their 1996 book The Car eer Architect Development Planner. It blends on-the-job, coaching and on-the-job experiences together. About 70 of learning is by using challenging assignments and on-the-job experiences. About 20 of learning is developed through relationships, networks, and feedback. About 10 of the learning is delivered via formal training processes. McCall, Lombardo and Eichingers survey of high-performing managers revealed that. Lessons learned by successful and effective managers are roughly.70 from tough jobs.20 from people mostly the boss.10 from courses and reading. We can see that the 70 is not just about on-the-job training that many purport, but from tough or challenging jobs and projects In addition the 10 is not just from courses, but knowledge from a range of sources, books, e-learning etc. Turning a model into a strategy. The implementation of this into a more generalised learning development strategic approach is based on the work of Charles Jennings in 2002 when working for Reuters. Since this time, many organizations looking for a justification to reduce the costs of training, and increase the importance of manager as a coach This simplistic approach seemed like the ideal approach, most training 70 is doing the day job , 20 is managers coaching peoples development, and just 10 of training on courses. At one level this is a useful framework for organizations to follow, but if an organization is doing t his to achieve the results of the original study into highly effective managers and leaders, then they are missing some of the key points that made the strategy successful. Applying the 70 20 10.Where this is done in reverse , we can apply this as good practice. For example, identify a need, undertake some coaching by the line manager Then attend a formal course or workshop 10 , followed by a blend of coaching and on-the-job experience to both apply learning on-the-job, and with coaching to help transfer the new skills. So if you are looking at using a course or other formal learning strategy, complement it with support and development back in the job. Management and Leadership development are important to you and of course to the team here at RapidBI We hope you find this information valuable, if you do please tweet or Facebook like this page Thanks Check Out Mike Morrison s Book on Organizational Development - Theory and Practice for tools and tips on developing organizations, managers a nd leaders on Amazon and Kindle Read more management articles from the team. Getting Acquainted With Options Trading. Many traders think of a position in stock options as a stock substitute that has a higher leverage and less required capital After all, options can be used to bet on the direction of a stock s price, just like the stock itself However, options have different characteristics than stocks, and there is a lot of terminology beginning option traders must learn. Two types of options are calls and puts When you buy a call option, you have the right but not the obligation to purchase a stock at the strike price any time before the option expires When you buy a put option, you have the right but not the obligation to sell a stock at the strike price any time before the expiration date. One important difference between stocks and options is that stocks give you a small piece of ownership in the company, while options are just contracts that give you the right to buy or sell the stock at a specific price by a specific date It is important to remember that there are always two sides for every option transaction a buyer and a seller So, for every call or put option purchased, there is always someone else selling it. When individuals sell options, they effectively create a security that didn t exist before This is known as writing an option and explains one of the main sources of options, since neither the associated company nor the options exchange issues options When you write a call, you may be obligated to sell shares at the strike price any time before the expiration date When you write a put, you may be obligated to buy shares at the strike price any time before expiration. Trading stocks can be compared to gambling in a casino where you are betting against the house, so if all the customers have an incredible string of luck, they could all win. Trading options is more like betting on horses at the racetrack There they use parimutuel betting, whereby each person be ts against all the other people there The track simply takes a small cut for providing the facilities So, trading options, like the horse track, is a zero-sum game The option buyer s gain is the option seller s loss and vice versa any payoff diagram for an option purchase must be the mirror image of the seller s payoff diagram. The price of an option is called its premium The buyer of an option cannot lose more than the initial premium paid for the contract, no matter what happens to the underlying security So, the risk to the buyer is never more than the amount paid for the option The profit potential, on the other hand, is theoretically unlimited. In return for the premium received from the buyer, the seller of an option assumes the risk of having to deliver if a call option or taking delivery if a put option of the shares of the stock Unless that option is covered by another option or a position in the underlying stock, the seller s loss can be open-ended, meaning the seller can lose much more than the original premium received. You should be aware that there are two basic styles of options American and European An American, or American-style, option can be exercised at any time between the date of purchase and the expiration date Most exchange-traded options are American style and all stock options are American style A European, or European-style, option can only be exercised on the expiration date Many index options are European style. When the strike price of a call option is above the current price of the stock, the call is out of the money when the strike price is below the stock s price it is in the money Put options are the exact opposite, being out of the money when the strike price is below the stock price and in the money when the strike price is above the stock price. Note that options are not available at just any price Stock options are generally traded with strike prices in intervals of 2 50 up to 30 and in intervals of 5 above that Also, only strike pr ices within a reasonable range around the current stock price are generally traded Far in - or out-of-the-money options might not be available. All stock options expire on a certain date, called the expiration date For normal listed options, this can be up to nine months from the date the options are first listed for trading Longer-term option contracts, called LEAPS are also available on many stocks, and these can have expiration dates up to three years from the listing date. Options officially expire on the Saturday following the third Friday of the expiration month But, in practice, that means the option expires on the third Friday, since your broker is unlikely to be available on Saturday and all the exchanges are closed The broker-to-broker settlements are actually done on Saturday. Unlike shares of stock, which have a three-day settlement period, options settle the next day In order to settle on the expiration date Saturday , you have to exercise or trade the option by the end of th e day on Friday. The Bottom Line. Most option traders use options as part of a larger strategy based on a selection of stocks, but because trading options is very different from trading stocks, stock traders should take the time to understand the terminology and concepts of options before trading them. Online trading academy class cost Binary Deposit Bonus steakchamp au. Online trading academy class cost free ebook on binary options promotions. 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Emergency plan development, emergency response procedures evacuation diagrams emergency procedures training and emergency response exercise program implementation are just some of the services offered by Emergency Plan either as individual components or as a complete emergency planning compliance package designed to ensure our clients fully meet their emergency planning obligations under AS 3745 - 2010 Planning for emergencies in facilities stemming from the Work Health and Safety Act 2011 and the Work Health and Safety Regulation 2011.Emergency Plan assists clients to fulfil their statutory and common law duty of care responsibilities through the development of emergency plans that document the emergency arrangements for a facility and detail preparedness, prevention and response activities Emergency Plans provide information pertaining to emergency roles, responsibilities, strategies and systems. Emergency Respon se Procedures. Emergency Plan liaises with facility owners, managers and emergency planning committees to develop and document site-specific Emergency Response Procedures required as a component of an emergency plan The documented emergency plan procedures are also used to formulate the scope of emergency response procedures training delivered to emergency control organisation members and occupants of a facility. Emergency Control Organisation Training. Emergency Plan provides a comprehensive emergency procedures training service to ensure all Emergency Control Organisation members are capable of fulfilling their assigned duties by developing and implementing training programs appropriate to client requirements in conjunction with State legislation and relevant Standards. Emergency Plan produces workplace Evacuation Diagrams to display important information such as exits, portable fire fighting equipment, fire communications panels, evacuation routes, assembly areas, emergency telephone nu mbers, and brief emergency instructions Emergency Plan will utilise existing CAD information if it is available, or will undertake site measurements to develop appropriate evacuation diagrams as required by AS 3745 for an emergency plan. Occupant Online Training. For occupants of buildings with existing training agreements with Emergency Plan who wish to register for EP the Online Training program, click here. All users of this Website agree and understand that information contained herein is not intended to be, nor is represented to be, of a legal or binding nature and agrees to the site s terms and conditions and privacy statement. Action Plan for Starting a Call Center. As the saying goes, failing to plan is planning to fail Here is a basic, yet sound and reasonable action plan that will fit all types of call centers and situations. Examine your motives Why are you doing this Is it for the right reason Do you have practical expectations. Research the industry Join call center associations read industry literature but be careful about advice you find on the Internet Some Internet information about call centers is out-of-date and some is just plain wrong Make sure that any Internet information is provided by a reputable person who is currently involved in the industry. Make a working business plan Having a simple, yet effective business plan is essential in keeping you on track and focused Your business plan should include objectives, a cost analysis, a profitability proforma if you will be a profit center , equipment, telephone and Internet needs, planning for funding, obtaining the requisite licenses, permits, and insurances, and a time table. Evaluate and select equipment This is a critical step Call center equipment and software can be expensive The features available on the equipment and software you buy will dictate the types of services you can offer and how efficient and effective you will be. Determine your launch date This is the date that you will go live and begi n processing calls By then you will need your equipment installed, the phone lines in and working, your staff hired and trained, and most importantly work to do. Buy and install equipment Once you buy the equipment and software, your vendor will install it and provide some training They will also be able to tell you when you need to place your order with them to have the system installed and staff trained for your launch date. Order phone and Internet service Many vendors can order your phone service for you At the very least, they will tell you what to order Most call center equipment requires special phone service, which all too many phone company reps do not fully understand, so dont try to do order phone service except for one standard business line on your own. Hire and train staff Hire and train more staff than you project you will need for your launch Why For two reasons First, not all of the people you hire will be retained Despite your best screening and hiring efforts, some will quit before they finish training, while others will quickly conclude that it is not the job for them, and still others will find a better job The other reason is that when you go live there will undoubtedly be unanticipated problems, which extra staff can help resolve Also, expect your staff to be tentative and a bit slow during those initial days of operation Therefore, extra staff will be a blessing. Begin operation Now that everything is in place, you can begin processing calls. At this point you will have successfully launched a call center, congratulations The next goal is to grow it, fine-tune it, improve it, and expand it. In-person Seminar 3-day instructor-led training course, includes certification exam. Learn the art and science of contact center management Hone tactical skills you can utilize every day Jump-start your center s improvement initiatives And, earn the industry s most prestigious credential. Attend the most popular management certification program in the call center industry The curriculum focuses on comprehensive skills and knowledge necessary to manage a small, midsize, new, or challenged center Course content covers tactical management responsibilities, from the most fundamental tasks of hiring, training, coaching, maintaining morale, forecasting, scheduling, and using performance metrics all the way through quality assurance, cost management, strategy, leadership and more. Each participant is put through the paces in this hands-on course, with self-assurance and confidence-building as instructional objectives Hands-on tools, software, a forms library, benchmarks, and action plans used in class are packaged up for the participant to take back to the office so that newly learned skills and methods can be immediately applied. This course completely covers the range of topics needed to begin a call center or develop an existing one The instructor was phenomenal This class should be the bar that others need to meet Nick Qualman, Customer Support Manager, International Allied Systems. What You Will Learn. Participants will learn. To assess the current state of their call center. Key call center metrics and the relationship between key metrics. The scorecard approach for monitoring key metrics and reporting results to upper management. How to create effective Service Level Agreements with customers. How to create effective Operating Level Agreements with internal staff and groups. Best practices for use of contact center technologies. How to create a business case to justify staffing needs to upper management. Best practices for forecasting call volume, call work load, and scheduling staff. How to use Erlang formulas and workforce management tools to calculate the staffing needed to meet service levels commitments. How to create a call center Standard Operating Procedures manual that includes best practices for call handling, documentation and customer service. To establish a training budget and training plans for new hire, mentoring, and on-going training. Guidelines for facilitating effective training meetings. Keys to building a successful motivation and retention plan. How to establish quality monitoring requirements for the call center. How to build monitoring forms. How to conduct a successful coaching conversation. How to facilitate an effective meeting with staff and agents. How to build a road map for implementing projects identified in class. Excellent This education could be, for now, the main ROI driver for my business President General Manager, Mundi Networks, Honduras. Chapter 1 - Strategy and Assessment. Chapter 7 - Coaching and Communication. Chapter 8 - Quality Monitoring. Chapter 9 - Call Center Project Planning. Deliverables and Tools. Current call center assessment. SWOT analysis template for assessing strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats for your call center. Templates for creating service level and operating level agreements. Template for creating a standard operating procedures manual. Revelation by RCCSP - a leading workforce planning, scheduling, and performance analysis software tool. Quality monitoring form templates. Sample metrics reports and tools. Skill needs analysis template. Phone screening interview template. Interviewing questions based on skill needs. Sample hiring letter. Sample rejection letter. Sample customer satisfaction survey tools. Coaching discussion planner template to plan and script coaching discussions based on readiness levels.3 days of instructor led training, with activities, discussion, and practical application of new skills. Student course manual and call center management reference. CD containing tools, templates, and software used in class. Post-course instructor coaching and email support. Who Should Participate. The Call Center Manager Certification training course is ideal for managers transferred into the call center from other departments, those who wish to earn an internationally recognized call center manager certification, and is ideal for. Call center managers, help desk managers, supervisors, and experienced team leaders. Business professionals being transferred to the call center. Professionals responsible for improving or re-organizing an existing center. Managers and executives with call center oversight. Leaders charged with forming a new call center department or business. Recently promoted supervisors and team leads with expanding responsibilities. Contact ce nter recruiters, coaches, trainers, mentors and quality assurance professionals. Attendees should possess a basic understanding of what a call center is, how calls flow into a center, and basic call center terminology Course materials are in English, and attendees must possess a high level of English fluency. Very professional impressive This is honestly the first call center training course I have taken where the subject matter was taught in a way that could be applied to our existing call center EXCELLENT Kasey Drake, Manager of Customer Service, Intervet Schering-Plough Animal Health. Chapter 1 - Introduction and Call Center Assessment. Introductions and overview of the CCMC course. Goals and learning objectives for the CCMC course. Perform a current assessment of your call center. Perform a call center SWOT analysis. Define a call center vision statement. Identify and document near-term strategies for your call center. Participants will learn. Key dimensions of supervisory leadership in the support center. How to communicate effectively across all job levels. How to adjudicate conflict between team members. The most effective elements of supervisory communication. How contact center business strategy impacts front-line performance. How to manage front-line professionals performance based on service l evel agreements. How to manage and report contact center and agent key performance indicators. How to manage front-line absenteeism and adherence to schedule. How to create an agent performance scorecard. The cost and causes of attrition and how they impact the contact center. How to effectively lead a coaching session using a formal coaching process and coaching discussion planner. The most common coaching fears and mistakes and how to avoid themmon reactions to feedback and coaching, and how to respond. How to create a Standard Operating Procedures manual that includes best practices for call handling, documentation and customer service skills. How to manage each stage of the training cycle for continuous performance improvement. Keys to building successful motivation and retention plans. Employment laws that apply to the contact center and the supervisor s role in protecting the contact center from legal complications. Learn how to lead the call center s most important resource the professiona ls and analysts that interact directly with customers This newly updated and expanded training course provides call center and help desk supervisors and team leads valuable how to best practices for executing day-to-day, tactical job requirements with finesse With core skills, knowledge, and in-class practice opportunities, participants reach new heights of leadership ability and levels of confidence The course trains supervisors in essential communication, leadership and coaching skills, and presents best tactics and practices for agent training and development, motivation and retention, team collaboration, performance measurement and management, and self-assessment. Course material is tactical, practical, and immediately applicable Each participant is put through the paces, with self-assurance and confidence-building as instructional objectives Hands-on tools, forms, action plans, and assessments are utilized in class by attendees under an instructor s supervision Tools are packaged u p for the attendee to take back to the office where newly-acquired skills and methods can be immediately put into practice. This workshop is interactive and involves exercises, group discussion, brainstorming, practice, and the situational application of skills Students are engaged in the learning process, applying and practicing skills as they are learned Attendees must demonstrate achievement throughout the learning process, participating in real-world exercises, and may test their mastery following completion of the course by taking the Certified Contact Center Supervisor CCCS examination. Deliverables and Take-Home Tools. In-class materials and take-home tools includeprehensive course manual an excellent post-training reference tool. DISC communication styles assessment tool. DISC implementation guidelines. Cost per Contact calculation worksheet. SWOT analysis template for assessing strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats to your contact center. Templates for creating Service Lev el Agreements SLA and Operating Level Agreements OLA. Template for creating a Standard Operating Procedures SOP manual. Agent scorecard template. Skill needs analysis template. Phone screening interview template. Behavioral based interviewing questions based on agent skills needs. Skills gap analysis template. Coaching discussion planner tool for planning and scripting a coaching discussion based on the the professional s motivational disposition. Who Should Participate. The Supervision and Leadership Skills for Contact Center Supervisors training course is ideal for anyone responsible for oversight of front-line contact center representatives, analysts, or agents Some specific roles that will benefit from the class include. Team leads, supervisors and managers that lead, inspire and develop front-line contact center and help desk service professionals. Recently promoted front-line professionals and team leads with expanding responsibilities. Contact center recruiters, coaches, trainers, mentors a nd quality assurance professionals. Attendees should possess a basic understanding of what a call center is, how calls flow into a center, and basic call center terminology. The Contact Center Supervisor Certification training program is a two-day, four-module, non-customized course. Introduction and Self-Assessment. Introductions and Overview of the CCSC Training and Certification Program. Goals and Learning Objectives of the CCSC Training Course. Assess the State of Your Contact Center and Team. Chapter 1 - Essential Leadership Skills. The Supervisor s Role and Responsibilities. The Complete Supervisor Skill Set. Leadership Skills Assessment. Strategies for Improving Leadership Skills. The Positive Role Model. Practices for Developing Working Relationships With and Within the Team. How to Align Decisions and Actions with the Contact Center s Mission and Vision Statements. How to Channel Constructive Team Member Input. Conflict Resolution Skills Assessment. Strategies for Improving Conflict Resolution Skills. Causes of Conflict. Available Resolution Resources. Your Own Conflict Management Style. Collaboration, Competition, Compromise, Accommodation, and Avoidance. Using a Conflict Resolution Planning Process. Developing Good Time Management Practices. Time Management Skills Assessment. Strategies for Improving Time Management. Identifying Time-Wasters and Distractions. Employment Laws Supervisors Should Know. Employment Law Self-Assessmentpliance Guidelines That Affect Representatives and Supervisors. Family and Medical Time Off. Wage, Overtime, and Scheduling Guidelines. Record-keeping Requirements and Practices. Joking, Banter, or Harassment. Building Positive Working Relationships With Managers. Chapter 2 - Metrics and Key Performance Indicators. The Tactical Values of Metrics, KPIs, and SLAs. Performance Management Self-Assessment. Key Performance Indicators and Metrics Differentiated. Service Level Agreements. Why Service Level Agreements Are Draftedponents of Service Level Agreements. How Service L evel Agreements Impact Contact Center and Front-Line Professional Performance. Strategies for Managing Service Level Performance. The Top Supervisory Contact Center Metrics. Each Metric Defined, Why it s Measured, How it s Measured or Computed, and What it Means to You as a Supervisor. Average Talk Time. After Contact Work. Average Handle Time. All Courses. Bryan Franklin Client Mastery. Client Mastery Join Bryan Franklin, transformational leader and one of the world s most successful executive coaches to learn proven 5-step dream client creation system that Bryan has used to generate over 15 Million in client fees Make every month a 5-Figure month while fulfilling your life s purpose Welcome to the beginning of your journey to Client Mastery Hello and Welcome to Client Mastery The Natural Art of Attracting and Converting Prospects into Clients in 3-Simple Steps. NEW Latest training for the highly ambitious coach who is tired of struggling to get new clients. Learn How To Get Your Dream Clients W ith Ease And Make Every Month A 5-Figure Month While Fulfilling Your Life s Purpose Simply By Being Who You Are. Signing on new clients is both a chase and a struggle for most coaches out there but it doesn t have to be this way for you. Introducing Client Mastery The Natural Art of Attracting and Converting Prospects to Clients in 3-Simple Steps. What exactly will joining Client Mastery do for your coaching practice.1 Exponentially increase your income. By using this tested and proven system you won t only feel more confident and authentic during your sales conversations and free consultations, you ll also be able to close way more deals and exponentially increase your income Happy clients have reported back to us that they convert 80 of their casual conversations into paying clients after joining Client Mastery and so will you.2 Sign on only the ideal clients for you. Being a coach you know how crucial it is to work with the RIGHT people When you learn how to sell based on true human conn ection and with love and authenticity, you will attract the perfect clients for your personal practice The ones who are willing and able to pay what you re worth and not just the price shoppers who are looking for the next best deal.3 No more undervaluing your services or undercharging because of the fear of rejection. Nobody likes to hear no But when you join Client Mastery, you won t let the fear of rejection stop you from selling your services anymore On the contrary You ll know exactly how to handle your prospect s objections and excuses and will be able to charge what you re worth without feeling guilty or ashamed.4 Gain confidence and get new clients with ease. How can somebody trust you and buy from you if they can tell you re nervous and insecure Hint Not at all Having a reliable system in place will give you the confidence you need to get new clients with joy and ease Your prospects will be able to feel your confidence and respond to it by trusting you, believing in you and your services and buying from you with a smile on their face.5 Get loyal customers for life. Client Mastery focuses on building solid, lasting relationships between you and your clients so that they see you as their one and only go-to person And once the connection is established, they ll happily come back to you again and again and again.6 Enjoy the process and have fun. You ll be surprised how relaxed, easy and fun your sales conversations can actually be when you use our low-pressure sales method When you know exactly what to say, how and when to say it and even what to do when things go slightly different than planned you have absolutely nothing to worry about and can focus on providing true value to your clients It s a win-win situation. Client Mastery is a proven and tested formula that dramatically increases sales for Fortune 1000 companies and it will do the same for you You can repeat it over and over again and you ll discover that you just keep getting better at it. How does Client M astery work. Client Mastery The Natural Art of Attracting and Converting Prospects to Clients in 3-Simple Steps is a highly effective training designed to get you maximum results within minimum time We cut through the masses of sales content out there to give you the exact systems, scripts and tools you need as a coach Not more, not less You get.3 in-depth training videos that take you by the hand and walk you through the 3 simple steps of attracting and converting prospects to clients so that you can easily apply the strategies to your coaching practice and start closing sales right away. easy-to-complete action worksheets for every video lesson so that you can instantly put your knowledge into practice and master the content within less than 5 minutes per exercise. a thriving community of 100 students so that you can hold each other accountable, accelerate the learning process and make valuable business connections along the way. Your courses includes. Sales Process Part 1 Sequence of Emo tions. Sales Process Sequence of Emotions Video In this video we ll be introducing the Sales Process, sharing with you where it came from, and talking through the emotional stages that reliably create a sale We ll share with you the three misconceptions or lies people buy into that have them struggle You ll also learn the difference between Commodity, Intermediate, and Value markets and how you can position yourself towards the Value side. Sales Process Sequence of Emotions Audio Only. Sales Process 1 3 Lies of Sales Worksheet. Sales Process 2 Commodity vs Value Markets Worksheet. Sales Process 3 Sequence of Emotions Worksheet. Sales Process 4 Network Interview Worksheet. Sales Offer Sequence Platform Selling Worksheet. Key Takaways. The 3 Lies About Salesmodity Vs Value How you can identify your spot in the marketplaceand level up your position. Sequence Of Emotions Learn the 6 phases of customer response and tap into your customer s head. Sales Process Part 2 Benchmark Questions. Sales Process P art 2 Benchmark Questions Video In this video we ll be diving in with more detail into the Sales Process teaching you each of the phases in the process You ll learn how to structure your sales conversations and how to make sure your potential customers are experiencing the emotions in the right order We ll also be teaching you benchmarks questions that let you know when its time to move on We share with you some tips for how to elicit the right phase and some common mistakes to avoid and what to do about them. Sales Process Part 2 Benchmark Questions Audio Only. Sales Process 5 The Sales Process Worksheet. Sales Process 6 Curiosity Meter Worksheet. Sales Process 7 Value Calibration Worksheet. Sales Process 8 Sales Process Scorecard Worksheet. Key Takaways. How to own the conversation. How to draw out the right emotions to influence customers. Biggest mistakes most businesses are making, and how you can fix them. Sales Process Part 3 Black Belt Techniques. Sales Process Part 3 Black Belt Technique s Video In this video you ll learn the art of the non-sequitur AND the 6 ways to create value in a sales conversation We talk about the importance of effectively dominating in a sales conversation and how to lead someone in the direction YOU want to go We ll teach you how to get into their world that will having you understand them better than even they do. Sales Process Part 3 Black Belt Techniques Audio Only. Sales Process 9 The Four Types of Non-Sequiturs Worksheet. Sales Process 10 What Customers Want To Know Worksheet. Sales Process 11 6 Ways To Create Possibility and Trust Worksheet. Sales Process 12 Getting Clear About What They Want Worksheet. Sales Process 13 Did You Get Into Their World Worksheet. Key Takaways. How to direct the conversation where you want it to go. How to use Non-Sequiturs The best way to keep a conversation on track is to interrupt it Here s how. The value phase Enticing with possibility and trust. And 6 ways to establish an unbeatable sense of value. Sales Process Par t 4 Bonus Materials. Top 10 Ways To Improve Sales Conversions. Focusing On Your Sales Prospect s Pain And Desires In this audio training we talk about utilizing the proven sales format of focusing on your sales prospect s pain and desires in order to be able to express to them that you understand their pain, you have a unique perspective on their situation they might not be aware of, and that you have a solution that will solve the underlying problem. Making Sales Fun Through Contribution In this audio training we talk about how to make the sales process fun through contribution, caring, and being brave enough to speak the truth We also talk about an effective game you can play at conferences that will help you to connect with your ideal clients. Systematizing Your Sales Example 1 In this training we share real world examples of systematizing the highest leverage activities in your sales and marketing, identifying the most effective sales affiliates to promote your product or service, and why it s important to experiment more in your lower priced products and services. Identifying and Converting New Sales Channels In this audio training we share a real world example of how to identify new sales channels and convert them into paying customers We specifically talk about how to walk your prospects through the proper sequence of emotions, how to keep control of the conversation using non-sequiturs, and how to get referrals during your sales conversations even if the person you re talking to isn t a good match for your product or service. Identifying and Filling Missing Competencies In this audio training we talk about identifying missing competencies that cause projects to fall through in the bidding process, and how to fill in that gap with your strengths so that you are seen as a central part of each project We also talk about the role of leadership in making the competition irrelevant, and how to come up with a pricing structure for requests that are outside of your tradit ional offerings. Creating Curiosity In your Sales Emails. End of Marketing Viral Loops. Bonus Audio sales trainings that have never been available outside of Bryan and Jennifer s exclusive master mind groups until now. In 3 simple steps Client Mastery will teach you. The 3 Biggest Lies About Selling You ve Bought Into And How They re Holding You Back From Becoming The Natural Sales Person You Could Already Be. Why not knowing which market you re REALLY in will break your neck in sales and how exactly to identify your spot the marketplace. The secret sequence of emotions that will get your perfect prospects to happily say YES to anything you offer over and over again no matter what you re selling. The only script you truly need to lead through your sales conversation with joy and ease no more awkward silence or dead-end conversations. The 5 phases of the natural sales process that establish trust and build a true relationship with your prospect so that they can buy from you feeling relaxed and i n charge. Why curiosity will rapidly increase your sales and which one word you must avoid like the plague if you don t want to scare people off when they were just about to say yes. The exact 3 questions you need to ask to build massive value and effortlessly make them want to work with you even more. Why the best way to keep a conversation going is to interrupt them and 3 techniques that teach you how to do this like a pro. How to translate your customers questions and figure out what they REALLY want to know so that you can give them the answers they need in order to say yes.6 master tools to create instant possibility and trust without coming across as needy or pushy. A tiny conversation hack that will have the biggest impact and make people feel like they ve been buying from you for years. Download Link You must be logged in to view the download link Join VIP or Login. This content is for members only. Van Tharp s Super Trader Program The ultimate program for traders who are committed to being the best. The mission of the Super Trader program is to not only transform your trading but also your life. To accomplish that mission, you will commit to investing a substantial amount of your time, money, and effort over the next few years. Regardless of your previous trading experience, you will work together with Dr Tharp to define specific objectives for you to meet during the program and together you will also create a customized curriculum to help you reach those objectives. The mission of The Super Trader Program is to totally transform both your trading and your life for the better To accomplish this mission, you must be prepared to invest in yourself in many ways While investing in your trading education is a big step financially, we are confident that your returns will be huge when you commit to investing your time best effort, and approach the program with an intense desire to transform into the best version of yourself This is a process you will engage in over the next f ew years, and does require careful consideration. Regardless of your previous trading experience, students will work with Dr Tharp to define specific objectives to meet during the program and create a customized curriculum to help them reach those objectives This program is unique because each student comes from a different history, and also have different trading goals Students will be complete Dr Tharp s Super Trader lessons, attend regular workshops, and send weekly reports to Dr Tharp describing their progress He will also help guide you to solve all the issues that hold you back in your trading life - many students realize that these same issues are mirrored in their personal lives as well They are what keep you from being happy for no reason at all. During the first phase of the program, students will work on primarily psychologically-based issues The second phase students transition from psychological transformation into creating their dream life, and how it will fit into their t rading life Starting in July 2016, a new third level of the program will be added to enhance students experience If this sounds like a plan to bring into focus all that you may need and desire to move forward in your trading, read on to learn more. Note We expect 4-5 slots to become available for new students to enter the program by the end of 2016 We also anticipate having an additional seven new Super Trader program slots available through July 2017 If you believe that joining the Super Trader program is just the right opportunity for you to take your trading to the next level, and would like to secure a place on the waiting list for 2016, we welcome you to apply to the program If approved, a 5,000 deposit will be requested to hold a date slot for starting the program While you are on the waiting list, students are encouraged to work through Super Trader Lesson 1.If you have additional questions, we are ready to help You can contact us by phone 919-466-0043 or by email. The Core of t he Super Trader Program. The primary mission of the Van Tharp Institute VTI is to help people transform, which we accomplish through the trading metaphor The Super Trader Program is the most comprehensive and effective way to achieve our mission and we are able to accept a limited number of qualified, motivated students into this program each year Super Trader is so much more than just figuring out how to trade more profitably In fact, most students in our Super Trader program say that their personal transformations were just as important, if not more so, than the trading financial improvement they saw as a result of their perseverance throughout the program We are honored to be such an important part of their transformational journeys, and that we can support their trading goals in this way. The program itself is designed around the core elements that must be mastered in order to trade at the highest levels As Dr Tharp s research has proven, transforming the self, treating your trading as a business, and developing trading systems that fit you all work together to ensure success. No matter what market you choose, or what system you are using - trading is 100 psychological Your beliefs, mental states, and mental strategies all inform the outcome of your time in the markets For example, at the most basic level, the task of executing a trade involves the following mental strategy.1 Seeing the signal that requires you to enter 2 Recognizing that signal is your entry signal 3 Feeling good about it, and then 4 Acting on it by opening a position. If you were to change that sequence of mental events just a little, even by hesitating a little by asking yourself what could go wrong, then it is likely that you would imagine something going wrong, not feel good as a result, and then be unable to take action at the appropriate time Notice that even the action phase of trading is psychological Because trading is entirely psychological, any unresolved psychological issues will sho w up in aspects of your trading Psychological issues are revealed in peoples personal life as well, but the markets are an especially expensive place to learn about these shortfalls Out of the entire program, the psychological phase typically takes the longest time to complete. During his 30 years of experience as a trading coach, Dr Tharp has also found that successful traders treat trading like a business, as opposed to a hobby as many traders tend to do When you view your trading as a business, it allows you to cultivate discipline, structure, and a professional approach that fosters consistent and profitable trading Most people who want to run a successful business know that they need a thorough business plan and trading is no exception A business plan acts as a guide for everything involved with that business, and this applies equally if not more to a trading business The second phase of the Super Trader program starts to bring into focus students desires for their dream life, and integrating this with a business plan allows for intense focus and direction. Finally, traders must use positive expectancy systems that fit them well and the appropriate market types, in order to be successful at trading In order to achieve this facet of the program, a trader must. Possess a thorough understanding of the parts of a trading system. The systems development process. What kind of systems truly do fit them, and. And how different systems work in different market types. To graduate from the program, students must demonstrate knowledge, and also the application of that knowledge, in the markets as evidenced by live trading results. The Five Steps of the Program. Dr Tharp has taken the core elements for successful trading and developed a five-step process for the Super Trader Program, addressed in each of the segments of the Super Trader Program The program is divided into Super Trader I, II, and, as of July 2016 a new level III To graduate the program, you must complete all five components to Dr Tharp s satisfaction. Super Trader I Step 1 and 2.Super Trader II Step 3.Super Trader III - Steps 4 and 5.Step 1 - Requires students to have a thorough understanding of Tharp Think principles of trading This includes the information contained in Super Trader and Trade Your Way to Financial Freedom Students must also learn the Tharp Concepts and know all of the terms in our glossary both of which can be found on our web site In addition to these basic tenets, students will become proficient in the basics of position sizing strategies by playing the Position Sizing Game, completing the Position Sizing e-Learning Course, and passing the self-test in the Definitive Guide to Position Sizing Strategies One of the first lessons of the program involves installing these beliefs into your neurology so they become second nature to you However, before students accomplish this, they must thoroughly understand the concepts in order to make sure that they fit them. Step 2 - Focuse s on a student s personal psychology In order to apply for the Super Trader program, a student must have already attended Peak Performance 101 Workshop or Oneness Awakening Course , and students can immediately begin the Peak Performance Home Study Course, if they have not done so already Dr Tharp has structured a set of twenty one Super Trader lessons to take you beyond the Peak Performance Home Study Course and help students explore their psychology more thoroughly. During this step of the program, students will attend other psychological workshops in the Peak Performance series Peak 202, Peak 203 - The Happiness Workshop, Peak 204 Modeling Great Trading Through Mental Strategies, Trading Genius, Infinite Wealth and the Oneness Awakening Workshop The next step is to complete Libby Adams 28-day course. When students have completed the twenty one psychological lessons to Dr Tharp s approval, and can document five major issues that have changed for them through the program, a major facet of the psychological portion of their trading transformation will be complete Does this mean that they will only have five transformations in their life No, of course not But, once students have documented five, students should be able to recognize future psychological issues as they come up, and handle them with the skills they have learned in the first part of their journey Certainly other things are expected to come up as students cross over into the technical learnings in Super Trader II. Step 3 - Students work on creating their dream life, and integrating it with a business handbook created for their trading business The Blueprint for Trading Success Workshop provides a basic template for students to follow We used to require a traditional business plan of students, but we were delighted when some Super Trader students started presenting their business plans in very personal and creative ways We could see how much they actually enjoyed reading and completing their plans, because t hey were rich with their dreams and plans for the future This new business handbook format is now a requirement students should complete this within the parameters requested, but in a way that is meaningful to them. Step 4 - This step allows you get a full understanding of the key factors in system design The How to Develop a Winning Trading System that Fits You Home Study Course and the corresponding in-person workshop, as well as our more advanced strategy workshops, help you create at least three systems that fit your beliefs, meet your criteria for trading them, fit different market types, and are non-correlated Before you can begin to trade these systems with full position sizes, you need to know or estimate the SQN score of each system in each market type before Dr Tharp approves you trading each system. Step 5 - Teaches students how to manage your trading mistakes Once students start tracking their mistakes and determine the R-multiple value of each one they make, they quickly le arn how not to repeat those mistakes so they can meet their one-year trading objectives Once a student has demonstrated proficiency at trading at a high efficiency level at least 95 in three systems for a sustained period more than 100 trades , they are able graduate from the program. To be considered a Super Trader graduate, students must complete all five steps In the past, this process may have taken up to six years to complete, depending on a trader s background, commitment level, and how much time each person allocated to their Super Trader studies We have made some changes to the program that will allow students to work at what we believe to be a much more rapid pace, with some additional guidance at the onset of the program that should remove some additional psychological hurdles and provide students with increasingly difficult lessons as they progress through the program It is our hope that most students will now be able to complete the bulk of their work within three years, wi th additional time being available to students that wish to take longer. Students really have quite a bit of freedom in this self-paced program how quickly students move through the lessons depends upon the amount of commitment you are willing to give to your trading education We will still allow for traders to take up to six years to complete the program, with the understanding that additional tuition will be due after the first three years of the program. Criteria for Admittance. Attendance at Peak Performance 101 and or the Oneness Awakening Course within the past 12 months , during which Dr Tharp can gain a sense of a candidate s personal responsibility, awareness, and desire to work on the most important factor in their trading themselves. Submission of an application and waiver, including a personal statement of commitmentpletion of the book Trading Beyond the Matrix The Red Pill for Traders and Investors We request that you read the Matrix book because it will help you understan d the scope of what you are getting into when you enroll in the program. Proof that the program makes financial sense for you Paying the tuition for the program should not result in feelings of insecurity about your finances, or inability to realize an attractive return on your Super Trader financial investment. The Van Tharp Institute s approval. Receipt of an initial payment. Objectives of Super Trader Iplete twenty psychological lessons to Dr Tharp s satisfaction. Document five major life transformations. What You Will Receive in Super Trader I. All Van Tharp Institute products already on the market, plus any new products developed by VTI during your Super Trader I period Excludes Super Trader II materials, products from outside vendors, certain special Oneness Awakening events. Twenty-one Super Trader psychological lessons You will receive Lesson 1 in your introductory letter, and you will access the balance of the lessons in our online collaboration portal. Dr Tharp s personal consulting and coaching time monitoring your timeline, weekly progress reports, and your Super Trader lessons Workshops. Peak Performance 101 unlimited attendance. Peak Performance 202 and 203 unlimited attendance, with seat preference given to Super Traders who have not yet attended this course. Peak Performance 204, Mental Strategies. Infinite Wealth Workshop -- unlimited attendance. Trad ing Genius Workshop -- to be offered in 2017.Oneness Awakening Course unlimited attendance. Blueprint and Systems Development unlimited attendance. The annual Super Trader Summit, plus access to previous years Super Trader Summit video recordings. The Super Trader Awakening Turbocharge A custom 3-day Oneness course developed by Van and offered as part of the Super Trader Summit May involve tuition if guest instructors are invited to speak. Tharp Think via video recording. Libby Adams 28-day Transformation Course which includes her one-on-one instruction and coaching. Access to the Super Trader online collaboration database after any probation period. A Note on Trading Workshops in Super Trader I. Students are discouraged from attending technical workshops during this phase, though you are allowed to do so If students in Super Trader I choose to attend a technical workshop, they may pay discounted tuition of 2,000 per workshop, which is refundable up until 14 days prior to the commencement of the workshop in question If the student cancels their attendance at a technical workshop less than 14 days from the event, their payment will not be refunded Payments made with the intent to come to any technical workshops are outside of the program structure and no credits will be held over for later use to apply toward future tuition due, if any. Super Trader I Cost and Payment Structure. From August 1, 2016 to January 31st, 2017.Super Trader 1 Payment. A first payment of 37,250 is due prior to starting the program. A second payment of 15,250 will be due 6 months after starting the program. These tuition payments cover a continuous three-year period in which to complete the program The exact tuition due will vary based on credits you are eligible to receive, as a result of previous purchases and workshops attended Currently, you may receive 100 credit for purchases and workshops attended within three calendar months of your proposed start date, which is typically assigned to the first of the month Purchases outside of this timeframe will be credited at 50 , up to 10 years prior to your proposed start date. There will be no tuition due upon entering Super Trader II, provided that you have at least 12 months remaining on the initial 3-year tuition period If you have less than 12 months remaining, then tuition will be assessed in one year increments, for up to three consecutive years If you enroll in the program before August 1st, 2016, your tuition for an additional year if due will be 16,750 If you enroll in the program on or after August 1st, 2016, the tuition will be 17,500 for an additional year If you enroll in the program after July 1st, 2017, the tuition will be 20,000 for an additional year If it is required for you to extend your program to complete any portion, the tuition will be calculated at the yearly rate that was in effect at the time of your initial acceptance. If you finish both Super Trader I and Super Trader II, and you still have at least 12 months r emaining on the initial 3-year period, then there also will be no tuition due for Super Trader III Again, if you have less than 12 months remaining you will be assessed tuition as described above for an additional year. At the end of Super Trader III, you will not be required to pay additional tuition as long as you have met all previous requirements, and each of the three systems have been approved by Dr Tharp All students will likely have additional work they need to complete for graduation, that may continue after the initial three-year period For example, one of your systems may be designed to work in a long term capacity in this scenario, it could take some time for this system to produce trade results Graduation will occur in the future, but it s not necessary to pay tuition while the action of your system is happening However, once your tuition timeframe has come to a close, you will not be able to attend workshops or other VTI programs as you had while actively studying within your program There are certain instances where special arrangements can be made in this regard, at the discretion of Dr Tharp. Super Trader I Extensions. On very rare occasions, some students have not put forth the effort it takes to achieve real results and see quantifiable progress on their lessons In the unlikely event that a student remains in Super Trader I throughout the three year tuition period, options available to them will depend on what they have accomplished to date. If a student has finished five or fewer lessons, they will not be offered an extension to complete the rest of the lessons, and by extension, will be unable to move on to Super Trader II. If a student has finished five lessons to Van s satisfaction, and they hold a desire to continue in the program, Van may approve an extension on a year-by-year basis, for up to three years Tuition will be assessed based upon the yearly rate at the time the student entered the program 17,500 effective August 1st 2016 After maki ng that payment, you will be charged 1,500 per month until you finish Super Trader I If you finish in less than ten months, than any money leftover from your extension payment will be credited toward your Super Trader II cost. Super Trader II. Criteria for Admittancepletion of Super Trader I. Proof of commitment based on results from Super Trader I For example, if someone had intended to work full-time on Super Trader I was not employed and they took more than three full years to complete the phase, this would be a sign of lack of commitment Such a person may not be admitted into Super Trader II. The Van Tharp Institute s approval. Receipt of payment for any tuition due. Ongoing work on psychological workpletion of a personal business handbook, approved by Dr Tharp. What You Will Receive In Super Trader II. Any new products developed and released by the Van Tharp Institute during your Super Trader II period Outside vendors excluded. Access to all VTI workshops including both technical and psych ological workshops Peak Performance 202 workshop on a seating available basis. From Dr Tharp. Continued monitoring of your timeline and weekly progress reports. Coaching, reviewing and approving of your integration of your dream life with the development of your business handbook. Access at our facilities to recordings of VTI technical workshops nearly all of which have been recorded. Access to the Super Trader online collaboration database including Super Trader II only resourcespletion requirements for ST2 will be the completion of all the lessons and acceptance of your trading business handbook. New Super Trader III. Dr Tharp has restructured the program to now include a third level. This section of the program offers another year to flesh out and develop your systems It will include support for you to accomplish all of the following. Be able to understand market type well enough to develop your own systems for each market type We plan to have course for both trading in Bear Market and Sideways markets by the end of 2017.Decide on three different systems that you intend to trade When you choose these systems, you will thoroughly understand. The logic behind them. How they will work in different market types. Whether they fit you. Why they work, and. When you would know that they have stopped working. If you aren t trading good systems yet, we have a Super Trader Playbook with 93 trading systems in it These systems have been presented at prior workshops no longer taught at VTI, have come from current workshops, or are systems developed by Super Traders, etc. Only Super Traders have access to this playbook. You will have the opportunity to improve upon three of the systems from the playbook, with the purpose of improving each of them. Understand the systems given in Dr Ken Long s workshops, Gabriel Grammatidis workshops, and the Bear Market workshop If you pick those systems, realize that Van is not an expert in those systems but the people who teach them are Ken s syste ms require that you be a systems thinker and Gabriel s systems require you to master his pattern recognition. Understand the online courses in systems and talk to Van and others about the limitations. As mentioned earlier, if you have 12 months or more remaining from your original three years tuition, then Super Trader III does not have any further tuition due If there is less than 12 months remaining upon completion of Super Trader II, then the student must pay tuition for the upcoming year prior to entering the next phase However, once a student s systems have been approved, there is no additional charge for the time it might take to graduate We expect that virtually everyone should be able to complete the Super Trader III system approval requirements within the allotted year. The purpose of Super Trader III is to become a Van Tharp Institute Super Trader Graduate Once you have your systems approved, then you will have unlimited time to graduate To become a graduate, students will have successfully completed Super Trader I, Super Trader II, then completed Super Trader III requirements including executing 100 trades profitably and at 95 efficiency with at least a 10 contribution to the 100 trades coming from each of the approved three systems Most people have no idea of the power of having three non-correlated systems with good SQN scores that work in different market types, and that they can trade at 95 efficiency or better. Criteria for Admittance to Super Trader IIIpletion of Super Trader II. Attendance of at least one How to Develop A Winning Trading System That Fits You workshop, and therefore a thorough understanding of the basics of how to develop good systems for each of the 6 market types. Attendance at several technical workshops, such as Day Trading or Trading in a Bear Market and Down Markets. The Van Tharp Institute s approval. Receipt of payment for any tuition due. Development of three systems that work in a particular market type approved by Dr Tharp. Evide nce of knowledge and understanding of position sizing strategies.100 trades completed at 95 or better efficiency These 100 trades must include at least 10 trades from each of three approved systems, and must include consecutive trades during your defined trading period Students are not allowed to cherry-pick 100 trades out of a larger number of trades. What You Will Receive In Super Trader III. Any new products developed and released by the Van Tharp Institute during your Super Trader III period Outside vendors excluded. Access to all VTI workshops including both technical and psychological workshops Peak Performance 202 workshop on a seating available basis. From Dr Tharp. Continued monitoring of your timeline and weekly progress reports. Coaching, reviewing and approving of your business handbook and your trading systems. Monitoring of your trading performance. Access at our facilities to recordings of VTI technical workshops nearly all of which have been recorded. Access to the Super Trad er online collaboration database including Super Trader II only resources. Super Trader III Program Cost. If you complete the full program in three years there is no additional cost for Super Trader III If a student has used most of their three years completing Super Trader I and II, then the tuition for Super Trader III will be assessed at the yearly rate at the time they enrolled for example, the cost would be 16,750 for students enrolling in the program prior to July 31st 2016, if and only if they had less than 12 months remaining on their original time prior to entering Super Trader III. The True Value of the Super Trader Program. The cost of the Super Trader program may seem steep that is, until you consider the value of the products and services that the program provides Here is a list of what you get as a Super Trader .1 Every core Van Tharp Institute product. The Peak Performance Home Study Course. How to Develop a Winning Trading System That Fits You Home Study Course. The Definiti ve Guide to Position Sizing Strategies. Business Planning for Traders Audio Program. Introduction to Position Sizing Strategies Elearning course. The Position Sizing Trading Simulation Game Full version. Tharp Think Essentials Webinar. ABCs of Trading. Psychology of Trading Audio program. Any new product added that are not exclusive to the Super II program.2 Attendance at every public Van Tharp Institute workshop. You are permitted to attend every public workshop we present during your three years in Super Trader Usually in a given year, we present about twenty workshops, and you have three years to come to all of them In Super Trader I, you are permitted to attend all of the Peak Performance workshops 101, 202, 203, and 204 , the Blueprint workshop, and the Systems Development workshop as many times as you like during your enrollment period The one exception is Peak Performance 202 and 203 which have limited seating We ask that you retake these based on available seating This is to help ens ure that new students in the program get to take the classes as well as existing students 3 Attendance at exclusive Super Trader workshops. Specifically, this includes the annual Super Trader Summit It also includes workshops that are sometimes presented first to Super Traders only .4 Access to the Super Trader online collaboration database. R J Hixson is a graduate of Super Trader and heads up the online database where Super Trader students share files and collaborate on various projects including trading systems They also communicate trading ideas, post valuable forms or information, and keep up to date with the new ideas that seem to pour in on a regular basis.5 Dr Tharp s personal consulting and coaching. This is a large part of the value of the program Over the span of the Super Trader Program, Van spends a number of hours with each Super Trader reviewing and advising them on the following materials. The twenty psychological lessons. Your business plan. Trading system ideas, developm ent, and approval. Trading logs and mistake management. Weekly quarterly progress reports. With all the above mentioned products and services, the total value of the entire Super Trader Program is well over 200,000 This should make the program costs seem significantly less than they may have up front. Until 2011, the program cost 50,000 and Super Traders signed up for a two-year commitment, that s 25,000 per year Now the full program both Super Trader I and II can cost you much less. If you have as little as 200,000 in equity to invest, you could make up the cost of the program in terms of more consistent and profitable results in two years All you d have to do is increase your returns by 10 of your base capital each year, and you d pay for the program. One careless trading mistake on a 200,000 account could cost you 20,000 or more This program instills in you a discipline to eliminate such mistakes and, thus, will pay for itself many times over Furthermore, average investors with 200,000 could lose 50,000 easily in bear market conditions But as a Super Trader student, you ll develop a full-scale trading business plan that will help decrease your risk exposure and make profits instead even in bear markets. A four-year education at a top institution can easily cost you as much as 60,000 a year Yet the value of that education doesn t even come close to the value of the Super Trader Program It s an investment in your career and in your life. You ll be one of the very few people in the world that get personal access to and private consulting with Dr Tharp He could make a lot of money consulting with banks and fund managers, but he prefers to work with individual traders who are truly committed to being their best Your total investment for the entire program is a lot less than what we could charge just for Van s personal consulting time alone. The first trader to sign up for Super Trader Program in the mid-90s made 50,000 within the first two months of being in the program, wh ich significantly eclipsed his program cost which was much lower then The original Super Trader program had only half of the product and workshop offerings that are available now If he was that successful with only those products and services, think about how much more profitable you could be today. Exclusive Super Trader Events. The Super Trader Summit. We hold one Super Trader Summit each year that includes presentations on psychological journeys, business plans, systems, and technical innovations by Super Trader students Guest speakers often join for presentations in person or by webinar Everyone in Super Trader I, Super Trader II III can attend this annual event usually held the first week in December Super Trader Post-Graduates who have graduated from the Super Trader program and continue trader training with the Van Tharp Institute may attend upon request. While we fill our workshop room to capacity currently at the Summit, we might have to turn some people away at some point in t ime in the future To help minimize the chances for this, the Super Traders voted to remove the workshop room desks when that point comes and to fill the room instead with as many chairs that will fit At some point in the coming years, however, Super Traders wishing to attend may exceed the capacity of our workshop room therefore, attendees will be given priority in the following manner. Active Super Traders in any of the three programs who are presenting. Guest presenters Active Super Trader Graduate. Active Super Trader II with priority given to those who have been active the longest since the start of the program or coming off of sabbatical. Active Super Trader I with priority given to those who have been active the longest. The Super Trader TurboCharge Workshop. This is a three-day Oneness workshop designed to increase your level of consciousness It is open to everyone who is active in one of our programs, but seating is limited to 20 Super Traders There is an additional fee for this ev ent but Super Trader attend at a significantly reduced rate. New Van Tharp Institute Workshops. Super Traders are given priority to attend new workshops Since they could easily fill one up, we tend to offer them at special times during the summer and or adjacent to the Super Trader Summit. New workshops are open to anyone active in any of our programs, anyone on the psychological completion plaque who is not active in our programs on a paid basis, and to the extent there is room, regular VTI clients Super Traders will be given priority at new workshops in the following manner. Inactive Super Traders on the psychological completion plaque on a paid basis. Active Super Traders who respond by the cutoff date with the following priority. Active Super Trader Post-Graduates This is a continuation program for those who finish I and II. Active Super Trader II with priority given to those who have been active the longest. Active Super Trader I with priority given to those who have been active the longe st. Video Recordings of Technical Workshops. Recordings of our technical workshops are available for screening at the VTI office for those active in Super Trader II III, by request. Refunds and Sabbaticals. VTI guarantees all of our products and workshops however, we provide no refunds and no guarantees for the Super Trader Program Why We have two reasons First, you should only apply for the Super Trader Program once you are certain of the quality of our services Most commonly, traders enroll in the program only after they have completed a home study course and attended one or more workshops They have experienced the quality of our programs first-hand and have no doubts about the value we deliver in our training Second, Dr Tharp only wants to coach people who are completely committed to becoming great traders It can be difficult to judge someone s true level of commitment before admittance to the program If you feel like you need to have a refund policy, the Super Trader program isn t for you just yet or maybe it s not for you at all. That being said, we know that life happens, and we try to take that into account during your participation in any of our longer-term programs If you need to take time off from working on your trading, we make allowances for that called sabbaticals Sabbaticals must be submitted in writing at least two weeks prior to your requested start date Dr Tharp will approve or disapprove all sabbaticals applications submitted. We are always available to help you in your journey to trading success when you do your part When you enroll in the Super Trader Program, you commit to a significant investment of your time and money It is then up to you how you delegate your time If spend your time doing other things instead of working on yourself or your systems, you are responsible for that choice and its consequences Activities outside the focus area of commitment to the Super Trader Program are not considered an acceptable reason for taking a sabbatical. Acceptable Reasons for Sabbatical. You want to stop the program, but you have not made all of your payments The new program offers two periods when you could stop 1 prior to the second payment for Super Trader I and 2 prior to committing to Super Trader II. Serious health problem for you or an immediate family member. Death in your immediate family spouse or child. A natural disaster. Birth of a child for a limited period If this is a possibility, please let us know when you apply for the program. Special circumstances with Dr Tharp s approval. At Dr Tharp s recommendation. Unacceptable Reasons for Sabbaticals. You want to take a vacation. You have relatives visiting. You want to take time off to do other program. You decide you are not committed to trading or the program We do not allow students to take a sabbatical for this reason, but you do have two points in the program when you can de-commit from it. You have one of the legitimate reasons listed above but you didn t tell Dr Tharp or his staf f about it until the event already happened. FAQ with Dr Tharp. Is your objective for Super Traders to be able to trade great systems at 95 efficiency Trading great systems at 95 efficiency is one of the requirements for graduation, but it s not the objective of the program The objective of the program is massive personal transformation and hopefully, a big shift in consciousness We d like for each Super Trader eventually to score consistently 80 on the happiness test and students who have completed Super Trader I frequently do score that high consistently When you achieve this sort of transformation, anything is possible, including being able to trade great systems at better than 95 efficiency. Can anyone join the Super Trader program The program is not a good fit for everyone From a practical standpoint, you need to have sufficient capital for the program to make financial sense In addition, because of the intense psychological nature of the program, you must believe that you are tota lly responsible for your trading results and be eager to work on yourself That s why attendance at either the Peak Performance 101 Workshop which focuses on trader psychology or the Oneness Awakening Workshop which focuses on spiritual development is a prerequisite for the program Dr Tharp wants to assess your receptivity to certain ideas If you are not receptive to what we teach in those workshops, then the program will not be a good fit for you. The program is a lot of work and some of it is very, very challenging We look for total commitment Totally committed people seem to always reach their objectives regardless of obstacles. What kind of money do I need for the Super Trader Program to make financial sense If you have 200,000 or more to trade, then this program can make a lot of sense You could easily save the cost of the program by learning simply how to avoid a few large losses Furthermore, it s our intention that you would be able to recoup the total cost of the program within a few years. If you have 50,000 to 100,000, then this program probably doesn t make financial sense Instead, take the time to learn about, and achieve, financial freedom. Why don t you let students attend technical workshops during the first part of the program Super Trader I During Super Trader 1, we want you to focus on first things first Doing systems work or trading before you are psychologically ready means you will take more time to finish the program If you normally spend 20 hours a week on your psychological work, attending one workshop about 24 in-class hours over three days not to mention travel time will cost more than a week s worth of work from your psychological assignments Not only will that lengthen the time it takes you to finish the Super Trader I requirements, you ll find your trading will continue to suffer because you are developing systems that contain all of the biases that you have not yet overcome We have had several students enter the Super Trader program, a ttend lots of technical workshops, procrastinate or totally avoid the psychological assignments, and then wonder why they can t trade very well If you are truly committed to becoming a Super Trader in every sense of the term, then you have to do your psychological work first. Super Trader 1 candidates can still attend technical workshops for a fee and some have done so. What does it take to graduate from the program There are now two distinct levels of achievement for the program completion and graduation Completing the 20 psychological lessons and documenting five major transformational changes in your life as part of Super Trader 1 elevates you to completion status This phase has usually helped people achieve the objective of massive personal transformation People who complete Super Trader 1 tend to say that what happened to them during this phase is priceless. After completing Super Trader 1, however, you are still nowhere near graduating the program To become a graduate, a S uper Trader has to create a business handbook and have actively traded three approved trading systems at a very high efficiency level. If I complete the program, will I be able to trade other people s money What you learn in the program could help you trade other people s money and help you manage your clients I have not structured the program, however, to teach you how to set up a money management business Our emphasis is on your psychology and efficient, mistake-free trading which would certainly benefit anyone who wants to manage other people s money which some of my former Super Traders have gone on to do. I have read that Dr Tharp invests his money with Super Trader graduates Is that true No, not anymore I trade my own funds and manage VTI s retirement funds but I no longer place money with others. Is it a disadvantage to go through the program if I live outside the US About half of the people in the Super Trader program right now live overseas Recently, we have had seven Super Traders from Australia, six from various countries in Asia, one from South America, and a number more from Europe. We take several measures to ease the burden of long distance travel on our international Super Traders First, much of the information exchange for the program can be done by email and Skype We also have an online collaboration web site for the Super Traders, which is always available, regardless of location Libby Adams 28-day course is done by Skype. Second, because frequent travel to the US can be a hardship for our international Super Traders, we almost always present workshops in pairs so one trip here allows attendance at two workshops Also, we hold Super Trader-only workshops in conjunction with the Super Trader Summit which always falls in the first week of December. Finally, we typically present two or three workshops once each year in Australia and in Europe. What are the most common commitment-point obstacles in the program When people are working on their persona l issues, they run into obstacles Many are not willing to work through the obstacles and instead they dance around them And thus, they could take years of working on their own to do what could be done in one year with a coach and a structured program We now give our candidates three years, but if psychological obstacles stop them, then they won t progress until they break through the resistance they are experiencing The most common obstacle to progress is people trying to escape from resisting certain issues rather than being willing to feel certain feelings and go through whatever comes up for them. What if something happens and someone can t continue the program See the section on sabbaticals which includes details on the two opportunities you have to leave the program, should something major arise. What percentage of the program requires tasks, activities, efforts, etc that only Dr Tharp can do Right now I am the only one who monitors the Super Trader lessons And I am also th e only one who can monitor the self-sabotage exercises in Peak 101,however, we are taking steps to make sure others are prepared to help handle those roles in the near future. What if something happens to Dr Tharp while I m in the program There are risks to everything, and this is a risk you would be taking In the event that something happened to me, you could simply stop payments if you felt disadvantaged by continuing the program My company has been working actively to provide a lot of structure to the program and have others start helping me with the Super Traders so they could continue in the program if anything happened to me in the near term. Since Dr Tharp is nearing retirement age, how can I be sure that Dr Tharp will be committed to the program for another 4 to 6 years and won t decide to retire First, I own the business and because the company has no mandatory retirement age, I don t have any requirement to retire. Furthermore, I have no desires to retire I have the freedo m to do only what I love to do so I feel like I m already living the ultimate retirement All aspects of the business that I don t want to be involved in have been handled by a very capable staff for a number of years already. Most of our Super Traders who have completed the first half of the program would argue that the benefits of the twenty lessons alone are well worth the price for the entire program You get all that in just the first one to three years. Have any participants had problems with Van s emphasis on Oneness A few students have resisted that aspect of the program I believe their fear-based spiritual beliefs cause them to miss out on one of the most powerful aspects of change This probably describes about 5 of the current Super Trader candidates Participating in the Oneness blessing is not a requirement for the program Your decision whether or not to participate and the reasons behind it, however, are aspects I would consider in evaluating your commitment to worki ng on yourself. Oneness accelerates the transformation process, which is the object of the program I have seen the most dramatic shifts in short periods of time the Super Traders since we started using Oneness processes Almost no problems exist among those students who understand the impact the Oneness awakening tools have on transformation One Super Trader has experienced such a monumental shift in his consciousness that he stopped trading completely and has become totally involved with the Oneness movement. What percentage of students who have completed the Super Trader program go on to graduate and meet the criteria of trading at 95 efficiency in 100 trades over three systems This question is a little difficult to answer because an official graduation like we have now was not part of the program a few years back. For a long time, Super Traders were allowed to just attend all of our workshops for two years and work with me to solve any issues they felt they needed to address They determined what they wanted and needed from the program There was neither an official completion point nor a graduate status like we have today People were happy with two years of exposure to our programs and my coaching. In about 2008, I started adding Super Trader lessons and completion requirements for them to the program In 2009, we developed the separate ideas of completion and then a level of achievement beyond simply doing all the lessons to complete the program One year later, we came up with the strong criteria for graduation and that s what you read about now. Since 2009, we have had around fifteen Super Traders officially complete Super Trader 1 Some people get to that point and are very happy with their transformed lives and trade on their own or go on to other projects For example, one person is w riting a novel, another is focused on developing a food business though both still trade Others want to achieve the level of trading required for Super Trader graduation In 2013, we have seven names on the Super Trader Graduate plaque in our training room and there will be more going on in the next year. What percentage of students has failed to complete to the Super Trader training because of the 95 efficient trade criterion First, the 95 efficient trade criterion in not the overall objective of the program The overall objective is massive transformation I make that clear in Trading Beyond the Matrix. Second, this question assumes that 95 trading efficiency is a stumbling block, but it s not Personal issues are the stumbling block By the time candidates have documented five significant transformations, overcoming trading mistakes are truly minor problems Overcoming mistakes typically is a huge issue, however, for traders who haven t made the kind of massive transformation expect ed in Super Trader I. Third, most of the people who completed the program but didn t graduate seemed to just stop doing Super Trader work after the two year program in the past or after finishing Super Trader 1 now Those who stopped, for the most part have been very happy with their accomplishments For example, a local real estate businessman went through the old program and said he was the only developer among his regional peers who did not go bankrupt in 2008 2009 He credits the survival and growth of his business to what he learned in the Super Trader program Even though he never completed the entire psychological portion of the program, he came back to our offices two years later to explore creating a program like Super Trader 1 for people in professions outside trading His story says a lot to us about the effectiveness of the program for helping people transform their lives. Of those Super Traders whose business plans and systems I have approved, probably 70 of them reach grad uation There s been only one person that the specific 95 efficiency criteria proved to be the identifiable roadblock for graduation He had met all of the graduation criteria in less than 18 months - except for the 95 trading efficiency He then decided to withdraw from the program and just trade his own way at that point He s probably doing much better than he ever could have without having done all of the Super Trader work. How many Super Trader graduates have maintained that 95 level of efficiency after graduating After graduation, Super Traders no longer have to turn in any results Because they have graduated from the program, however, these traders understand the importance of high efficiency trading and they also have the knowledge about how to resolve any trading problems that come up Trading successfully is an exercise in internal control and they have already tackled far more challenging tasks simply by completing Super Trader 1 and meeting the graduation criteria. If I m interested in the Super Trader program, what do I need to do The first step is to attend a Peak Performance 101 Workshop or Oneness Awakening Workshop Usually during a lunch at these workshops, I meet with anyone who is interested to talk about the Super Trader program If you are still interested after that, then you would complete a commitment statement and the application We look for the depth of your commitment, the strength of your discipline, and your willingness to do the psychological work that ensures your success in this program In addition, the program should make financial sense for you. If you meet the entry criteria and you are ready to start, we will look for an upcoming month with an open slot We only accept two new candidates into the program each month, so space is limited As a result, you be accepted but you may have to wait a few months before officially starting the program. What if I have more questions, can I just email them to you I meet with people who are in terested in the Super Trader program during the workshops and answer all their questions at that time People truly committed to personal transformation and trading excellence will find a way to attend either Peak 101 or the Oneness Workshop to get their questions answered Also, you may call or email my office and a VTI team member will be happy to help get your questions answered. Thank You We look forward to meeting you at an upcoming Oneness Awakening or Peak Performance workshop. We first recommend taking our ABCs e-learning course if you know nothing about trading and investing That takes about 25 hours to go through and it only costs 50 Then we recommend reading books like Trading Beyond the Matrix, Trade Your Way to Financial Freedom and Super Trader Taking the Tharp Think Essentials video workshop would be helpful Notice that if you mastered all of this, it would take you about 145 hours or a little nearly a month to do full time Tharp Think refers to a set of principles that define the approach to trading Van teachs through courses and workshops Tharp Think involves discovering who you are as a trader, understanding risk, managing risk, and learning how to make your personal psychology work for you. The next step is to master yourself and this is the part that takes Super Trader candidates so long to do The next table includes our offering in that area. Psychology Spiritual Workshops and Courses. Number of Times Necessary. Peak Performance 101 Workshop. Peak Performance 202 Workshop. Peak Performance 203 Workshop.3, plus 6-week follow-up. Peak Performance 204 Workshop.3, plus 6-week follow-up. Trading Genius Workshop.3, plus 6-week follow-up. Libby Adam s 28 day Transformation Course.28 days at 2 5 hrs per day 8 75 workdays. Peak Performance Home Study Course.2 mo at 2 hr day. Peak Performance Home Study Course with Super Trader Lessons.20 hrs per lesson. The cost column has the list price first and then the early enrollment discount we usually give in parentheses Hours Required represents how many hours it usually takes to complete the course and all of its assignments, and Number of Times Necessary represents the number of times, in Van s experience, most people need to take each course before they master the material For example, the Peak 203 workshop is three days long, but it also has a six-week follow up course together, they take about 140 hours to complete However, most people need to take the workshop three times before mastering all of the material, so the total number of hours for Peak 203 is 3x140, or 420 hours. We recommend that people take each of our psychological workshops as many as three times Why Because you get more out of them each time you take them You evolve and change, so each instance ends up being like a different workshop However, that doesn t mean that a person won t get a tremendous amount out of any workshop the first time through Most do, and it just depends upon how well you apply yourself to the material. Van has put A Course in Miracles in the curriculum, but it could just as easily be the Sedona Method course, or anything else that you work on perhaps 1-2 hours per day Also two examples of the Peak Performance Course are given People probably spend about 120 hours on the course but they skip a lot including most of the material that is critical for their personal growth And that s why when people finally get it, they ve usually put in about 360 hours, or done it three times The other alternative, which is to have Van review 20 completed Super Trader lessons, is available for Super Trader candidates only. Notice that the psychological section of the Super Trader program takes about 2,570 hours, or about 1 25 years to complete, and that the total time for these two sections is now about 1 5 years of full-time work That may seem like a lot of effort, however, that year of psychological work improves everything in your life and Super Traders end up being much happier people Let s move o n to our workshops that cover important and basic trading topics that apply to any trading business. Global Workshops and Courses. Number of Times Necessary. Blueprint For Trading Success Workshop.25-hr workshop 125 hrs of assignments 150 hrs.2x25-hr workshop 125 hrs 175 hrs. How To Develop A Winning System Workshop. Systems Home Study Course. Position Sizing Strategies Definitive Guide book and Position Sizing eLearning Course. The Blueprint course gives you an overview of everything you need to be successful as a trader and prepares you to write a business plan The Blueprint course is about 25 hours long, but it probably takes 125 hrs or more to do all the exercises and complete a business plan for 150 hrs Most people have to attend the workshop twice to finish off a great business plan, so the total number of hours required to complete the material is about 175 We also recommend studying the How to Develop A Winning Trading System home study course and all our material on Position sizing , which includes the Introduction to Position Sizing Strategies eLearning course and the Definitive Guide to Position Sizing book To master all of the material in these workshops, courses, and books, it would take about 373 hours, or about ten weeks working at it full-time. The next section of the Super Trader II program is our technical section. Number of times to master. Day Trading Systems.1 w live trading. Live Day Trading Systems. Core Trading Systems Video. Swing Trading Systems Video. Forex Systems Workshop. Live Forex Trading. Bear Market Systems Workshop. 23,480 not including planned workshops.20 days 34 days in future. Right now, we have five technical workshops, including the Forex workshop. Day Trading Systems introduces all of Ken Long s short term systems that can be traded mechanically His live trading workshop teaches how those same systems can be traded with some discretion Ken s teaches long-term systems that only require attention once a week or less in his Core Systems Workshop now available via video. Bear Market Strategies is designed to show you how to cope with volatile bear markets and down markets. Notice that Van has listed 790 hours to master the technical section That now puts our total of all three sections at 3,879 hours, or nearly two years of full-time work. And now let s look at the last section, which consists of Super-Trader-only workshops. Super Trader Only Events. Total hours if mastered. Super Trader Summit. Options Workshop recorded. TOTAL Super Trader Only Events. TOTAL TRAINING DAYS. 50,209 not including planned workshops.4,499 hrs or 2 25 years. We recommend that most of our candidates attend the annual three-day Super Trader Summit at least three times In addition, we recorded special two-day Options course, which we ll show again at various summits. The Super-Trader-only events add another 720 hours Now we re up to 4,485 hours, or 2 25 years to complete our curriculum If you add to this another 5,000 hours of excellent trading on your own, you are at Malcolm Gladwell s tipping point of 10,000 hours Incidentally, notice that the total value of everything taken one time only is now over 50,000 Super Traders are permitted to take approved workshops for their phase as many times as they like, so taking every workshop just twice would equal over 100,000 Van s consulting rate is 20,000 per day or 2250 per hour and you ll also be getting his time to. Review your weekly reports. Review lessons. Review your personal trading planning document. Review each system. And review your trading logs. We only offer Libby s course once in the Program, but most of the Super Traders do extra work with her so we ve estimated two times. Tag Archives forex price action scalping pdf. Loading the page. Eco-diet and fitness plan. 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